New Green Asian Arowana Is Here


Feb 23, 2006
Reaction score
Harlow, Essex
Well I went to pick up my aro just now and he is in and settled looking good as you can see in the pics his tail is a bit damaged but it should heal quickly. It is exactly 12" i measured him.






Good stuff, what size tank is it? Is it the 5x2x2? Scobinas will be ok in there, but if ou can, I would upgrade to a 30 or a 32" wide tank at some point...
Nice looking aro, nice and chunky.
Yeah its in my 5x2x2 I will be upgrading to a 6x2x2 I cant quiet fit a x30 in which is why im going with scobina.
just wout of intrest were did you get him from as it looks like a good size
I got him in amwell aquatics they have 1 more which is a bit smaller and a few rtg and red chilli something??? and a is it blue base crossback or something??? How does my one look to you mate??? Was £149 an ok price
I think the rtg was £400 and summthing the blue xback was £3900 and the others ranged between £1400 and £2900
£150 for a green that size is good the RTG were also a good price for a shop

the reds and xbacks are a joke at that price
What do you think I could keep as mid leval tank mates with in a year they will be in a 6x2x2 at the minute its with a red shoulder sev but I recon ill get rid of him I was thinking dats what do you guys think?
Dats are for the boys in the US

they always have and always will be tigers to me

tigers work well with aros and rays but they are very slow growing so you will need to get some large ones 7inch or above
The severum that I kept in the tank with the aro keep swimming up and barging into him he is not biting him or anything just keeps barging him. Should I be worried and remove the sev or will he not do any damage and soon the aro will let him no whos the boss.
nice fish, they are amazing....but how big will he get? do you plan on keeping him in that tank or upgrading?

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