New Gravel


Fish Crazy
Mar 23, 2007
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I decided to switch out the substrate in my 20 gallon planted tank (it is sand right now) to black inert gravel because i like the blacker color to make my fish stand out more and because now, my planted tank will mostly be with plants such as anubais, java ferns, mosses/riccia so those dont need a good substrate.

Today, i bought a 25 pound bag of Topfin black gravel.

I went home and washed the gravel twice with a strainer and then put it in a two gallon bucket. When i filled it up with dechlored tap water, i noticed that there was a film of sparkles on top of the water and mixed in the water. Why is that? I washed the gravel as best as i good twice by putting it in a strainer and letting water run though it for about 20 seconds or more while swishing the gravel.

If i put this gravel with sparkly stuff in my tank (after taking out my fish and plants) and run an aqua clear 30 stuffed with cotton fiber only, do you guys think it will take out the sparkle stuff?

meh, this is making me so mad lol.

any help would be much appreciated!

Hi, I think that stuff is like a quartz so will contain 'sparkling' stuff. It should disperse from the surface in time. I have black quartz in one of my tanks (see signiture) and my water is crystal clear :good:

Hope this helps
hm, that may be it.

Because of those rocks got split open and when i looked inside, it was a whitish color and had a bit of a sparkly look to it.


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