New Glofish

Crops don't have a choice either. Reproduction is just as natural in crops as fish.

By giving them away you are supplying a demand for a product and therefore reducing the demand for the supply actually produced by the company, therefore reducing their profitability. I am not a lawyer so I don't know for sure but I think it would be just as illegal as giving away copies of a CD you bought. You may not be making money on the activity, but you are reducing the company's ability to and it is therefore just as damaging to them.
its stupid in my opinion were suppressing nature for money. ok yes were changing it but we are still using nature and its laws to change it. e.g DNA
but where as giving away off spring of a fish. what do they do with the wild ones anyway? are they left to populate streams?
What are you talking about? Wild zebra danios? Or the original project that led to their development. I am guessing you are talking about how glofish were produced for detecting pollution. I think that the glofish we have in our tanks are not the same fish they were trying to produce (whether or not they actually did end up producing those fish). I don't even know if they actually made the pollution detecting fish or not.

It is a weird subject because in out entire history we haven't had the ability to genetically modify anything and now that we do we need to figure out how that is regulated. I do agree that it is odd that we are 'owning' certain forms of nature, but that 'nature' wouldn't exist if we hadn't created it. GM crops and glofish wouldn't exist at all if not for our actions (specifically A LOT of money, time, research, and development by companies) and because of that investment by them they deserve to get all the rewards.

IMO it is not different than a dog breeder developing a new breed and making anyone who bought sign an agreement that they wouldn't breed them. That original breeder put a lot of time into developing a healthy and friendly dog, the last thing he needs is one of the people who buys a couple to start breeding them and competing with him for the market for a product he alone created.
Uk sucks why don't they have glo fish lol :angry:

Also that's one cat I'd buy :hyper:
You guys aren't allowed to have guns either are you? What did you guys do to be grounded by your government so badly and why do you tolerate it?
Yeah no handguns only shotguns and rifles after years of probational periods but theres some benefits of both I guess :blink:

Off topic sorry :crazy:
You guys aren't allowed to have guns either are you? What did you guys do to be grounded by your government so badly and why do you tolerate it?

Glowing cats are the best!

As for gun comment, i do find it quite funny that Americans believe not being allowed to own one is a crime in itself. Since they are banned in the UK nobody has to worry about one being drawn, therefore there is no need to own one for your own defence. So whats the problem :D


"Based on statistics, you are more than twice as likely to be a victim of knife crime in the UK as you are to be a victim of gun crime in the US."

You guys aren't allowed to have guns either are you? What did you guys do to be grounded by your government so badly and why do you tolerate it?

Glowing cats are the best!

As for gun comment, i do find it quite funny that Americans believe not being allowed to own one is a crime in itself. Since they are banned in the UK nobody has to worry about one being drawn, therefore there is no need to own one for your own defence. So whats the problem :D

On the same respect the nut jobs that go on rampages would be stopped a lot quicker :blink:
If they want to hurt you they will, gun knife, bat, tire iron, kitchen knife, tree branch, car, bare knuckle, etc. The fewer tools you have the closer to cavemen we are and therefore it comes down to the largest guy gets what he wants. Guns level the playing field.

No one can get a black market gun over there? That is one of the problems here, certain places restrict them so then the only people who have them are the people who don't care about the law in the first place, leaving the legals helpless and the city becomes MORE violent (seen over and over when cities like NY, D.C., Chicago, etc. ban them). In areas where they are less restricted, concealed handguns are allowed, etc. the crime rate goes down.
No one can get a black market gun over there? That is one of the problems here, certain places restrict them so then the only people who have them are the people who don't care about the law in the first place, leaving the legals helpless and the city becomes MORE violent (seen over and over when cities like NY, D.C., Chicago, etc. ban them). In areas where they are less restricted, concealed handguns are allowed, etc. the crime rate goes down.

+1. That's exactly why the states with the most lenient of gun laws have the lowest crime rates.

I was in my LFS a couple days ago and noticed they had blue and purple Glofish. I've got 8 of the original 3 colors, and now have room for more, so I intend to get a couple of each. I am extremely against GM as a general rule, but the fish are harmless. GMO crops are NOT harmless. It's not as simple as everything being broken down in the gut (gluten and cow's milk proteins are not broken down completely even in their natural forms, and can enter the bloodstream completely intact, wreaking havoc in the body). There is strong evidence of some very harmful consequences of GMO.
I was in my LFS a couple days ago and noticed they had blue and purple Glofish. I've got 8 of the original 3 colors, and now have room for more, so I intend to get a couple of each.

Ace - how do you find the health of your glofish in general? My experience is total hit or miss with them, but about half of mine suddenly get skinny and die within a week, after months of health. Other types of fish in my tank have no problems.
I was in my LFS a couple days ago and noticed they had blue and purple Glofish. I've got 8 of the original 3 colors, and now have room for more, so I intend to get a couple of each.

Ace - how do you find the health of your glofish in general? My experience is total hit or miss with them, but about half of mine suddenly get skinny and die within a week, after months of health. Other types of fish in my tank have no problems.

They are all quite noticeably smaller than their regular zebra tankmates, but other than that they seem robust. I've had them just over a year now.
I cant wait til they come out more than one color on then. on the website it states in the articles that its possible to put up to 5 on just one
Like crop seed supply companys that breed crops that will not reproduce, thus ensuring the buyer must buy new seeds every year.

One thing often overlooked is that while this does make life tougher for their customers, and ensures purchases, it also functions as a safety feature. Many people worry about GM crops spreading and wrecking havoc in nearby eco-systems. By completely removing the ability of these plants to reproduce, that worry is obviated. (And hopefully they completely "zero out" all of the DNA relating to reproduction, instead of flipping a single gene off, so that they can't realistically evolve the ability back, Jurassic Park style.)
It is not that the GM companies prevented the plants from reproducing, they simply don't allow the farmers to keep the seeds. They are perfectly able to keep reproducing.

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