New Girls!


Jun 8, 2006
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I was at a not so lfs today and saw these girls in a tank with about 5 others and two who looked like male plakats. They caught my eye straight away and was so shocked to hear they would be culled if they didn't sell by the end of the day! :sad: So I said I'd take two for £3 and they let me! :D They tried to do me a deal to get rid of them all but I just didn't know where to fit them in. Anyway we got these girls home and they are now settling in. I wish I had got the others as we cleared the downstairs 20g so it now only houses the cory cats and two females. I wish I'd picked up the others :crazy: Though I have a male coming from Joby later this month so maybe I'll decide that 20g to house the male aswell :unsure:

Well here are some pics, I've now left them to settle in so I'll get some better pics tomorrow. A few of them still floating in the bag, one of thier tank and one of them, I need names by the way!!!


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V.nice mate, ive just bought 4 females today aswell, only problem i got is i'm just trying to introduce my male and he keeps on flaring up which is a bit worrying as im wondering whether or not he is going to attack them once i let them loose???????
Can you partition your tank? This is what I will do. Using book binders and canvas sheets. These allow water to flow through both sides. Your male also wont be able to see the female. This will lower the stress levels for both sexes.
i cant partition unfortunately, mainly because i dont know how??????
Panic over just released the girls and everything is fine he is swimming round with them thinking mmmmmm your sexy lol
DO NOT add a male to a tank full of females.
I don't care how calm the male is, or how many stories you hear of people saying how they have kept some together. It's too risky and eventually you could end up with some dead bettas b/c they've gotten too aggressive with eachother.
Calm male doesn't mean calm females.

But it's up to you... just be prepared to seperate when the time comes.
pretty little girls but the male is going to get aggressive and you may not be around when he does..... :good:
I think you lot misread. I will devide my tank for the male when he arrives. He will not be able to get to them, or even see them.

Its the guy who posted under me thats got the males and females toegther lol.

Im not silly or new to bettas :good:
i think thats who they are talking to Maddie, how are they settling in? and have you got anything else with them?
shes lovley. if ive learnt anything from all my visits to this site its that the sex's cant be mixed and not to trust them in a community. mine were great at first then turned into lil monsters
if ive learnt anything from all my visits to this site its that the sex's cant be mixed and not to trust them in a community.

Yeh thats why I'll devide about 3-4g off of the 20g to put my boy. That will still leave the girls with 15-16gs to play in.

They are in with small peppered cory cats. I say they are small, they are the same size as the two females. I'd say they are just a smidge over an inch each :wub:

The females are colouring up and are busy playing in the plants and hidy holes, they love it :D Not going to feed them till tomorrow though, just to be on the safe side and the lights on the tank wont go on untill then either.

So I'll post some more pics then! I still need some names for them too
look forward to those pics. im sure a lot of ppl with have suggestions for names lol

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