New Full Spetrum Bulb


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
Glendale, AZ
Hi all. Was wondering if anyone else had experienced this.

I recently switched from the standard flourecent bulb that came with my setup to a full spetrum 65K bulb. The bulb isn't any brighter, but the colors of my fish seem to have more punch. I've had the new bulb on the aquarium for a few days now. I noticed yesterday that my Red Tail Shark was no where to be seen. He's one of my more active fish and its strange not seeing him. This morning, when I switched on the light I saw him dart into one of the caves in my docorations. Apparently he doesn't like the new light. None of my other fish seem to care...including a second red tail I have in the tank (I know, many people say they are too aggressive to have two, but, I have quite a bit of decor that includes many caves and hiding spots. They've both staked out a territory and don't bother each other.) So, anyone know why this one Red Tail Shark seems so sensitive to the light?

Hi Curtiss,
I have just replaced the tube in my tank, although its not a full spectrum, its quite a bit brighter than the old one. If anything, my Red Tailed Shark is even more aggressive! I'm sure he is 1/2 RTS and 1/2 Pit Bull Terrier :eek:
He picks on all but my biggest fish but as far as I can tell he has not injured any of them ......yet :p
I recon you should get yours a pair of shades B)

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