New Fry!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
London, UK
Hey everyone!

Sharing the gr8 news of discovering a baby mollie! :)

Descovered the small fry while cleaning the tank, came through the pump and in2 the bucket, we have her/him in a floating fish hatchery in our 90 litre tank (currently cycling a 180 litre)

Didn't know we had a pregnant mollie bought 1 black molly and 2 dalmation mollies 2 weeks ago...all females.

Only found the one fry so guessing the rest have been eaten? or possibly hiding??

Anyhoo, if anyone knows anything on mollies that could be useful - pls fill me in!

When do we remove the small fry from the floating hatchery...

Congratulations on the Molly baby. :cool:

I've never kept Mollies so I can't give you much advice except feed it finely crushed foods at least three times a day and make sure the breeding trap is kept clean. You should be able to let it out when it is big enough that it will not fit in any other fishes mouth, obviously this will depend on what other fish you keep in the tank.

Your Mollie may have another batch within the next 4 to 6 weeks.

Good luck, I hope you find more. :thumbs: :)
I would say keep it in the trap as long as possible. I have guessed wrong a few times and even fry I thought were big enough were killed by others that were just checking to see if it would fit in their mouths and were torn in bits.
Congrats on the fry. I would wait a while before letting it out with the others.
Thanks everyone!

I will leave the lil fry in there for a while 2 be on the safe side and also make sure it is kept clean...

He/she is soooo cute! :D

Hope she has more....think I know which of the dalmation mollies it is that is pregnant.

We have 2 quite big opaline gourami's in the tank so I won't be risking taking the small fry out until I know it's big enough!

Keep you posted.

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