New Fluval Roma 90 Set Up

Thanks Miles, am off to buy some new gravel because am not too happy with my first choice, will doing a water change and gravel change cause much disruption?

I have a 3d rockface background going in too you see..

So need to drop the water to silicone it in... Painful afterthought I know......
Thanks Miles, am off to buy some new gravel because am not too happy with my first choice, will doing a water change and gravel change cause much disruption?

I have a 3d rockface background going in too you see..

So need to drop the water to silicone it in... Painful afterthought I know......

Draining all the water and having to potentially move your filter around at this stage MIGHT slow your cycle down in the long-run... why not wait until you are fully established and cycled and THEN look at sorting out any 3D backround type thing?

That's what i would do, personally.

I was only going to drop 50% of the water and silicone the top half of the background (it's light and bury the bottom with gravel)

But if you think I should do it in a week or so's time then I suppose that's no big deal...

Should I be doing any water changes anyway at this stage? I.e 10-20%

Cheers for the responses guys
DAY 13 - API Test Results

PH - 7.4
Ammonia - 4-8ppm
Nitrite - 1ppm
Nitrate - 20ppm

Any advice on what to do now? still wait?.... I have been topping up the ammonia when it has dropped down to 1-2ppm back to 4-8ppm, taking approx 36hrs to drop to 1-2ppm.


Starting to look at what and how many fish I can get.... So far me and my missus like - Guppies, Angel Fish, Parrot Fish, Tetras, Bettas, anything Purple for the baby, she wants to call one Barney after the dinosaur...

Basically it is 22 Gallons and would like a colourful and pleasent community of fish, various sizes.

Thanks for any advice

DAY 13 - API Test Results

PH - 7.4
Ammonia - 4-8ppm
Nitrite - 1ppm
Nitrate - 20ppm

Any advice on what to do now? still wait?.... I have been topping up the ammonia when it has dropped down to 1-2ppm back to 4-8ppm, taking approx 36hrs to drop to 1-2ppm.


Starting to look at what and how many fish I can get.... So far me and my missus like - Guppies, Angel Fish, Parrot Fish, Tetras, Bettas, anything Purple for the baby, she wants to call one Barney after the dinosaur...

Basically it is 22 Gallons and would like a colourful and pleasent community of fish, various sizes.

Thanks for any advice


So far I know that the angel fish and guppies won't go together as they have the tendency to nip at fins. Also angels prefer a lower pH than yours and I have no idea how to lower them really. I think parrot fish are the same for nipping. Tetras I think are relatively easy to look after. As for the other fish I don't really know.

Fluval BioMax for U2 filter

This is the link for the rings mentioned earlier to give a better idea to anyone. Apparently they rarely need changing just cleaning every so often to remove debris.

We have exactly the same tank, except I now have a floating thermometer to give a more accurate reading.

Good Luck and happy fish keeping :)
Cheers lost, my missus wants an angel fish, so we'll have to see what can go with them, and maybe not get the guppies or parrot

I think there is products you can use to lower ph to suit... But then I need a happy medium to suit all my community I end up getting... Awkward sods
I know what you mean it's my tank but my mum really wanted angels we got this advice from the guy in the lfs so I guess it must be true cos his main aim is to sell fish !!!

One thing I would say is that the pH lowers won't work miracles so if it was me test it out before you by the angels not buy the angels and rely on the pH lower to work. That is just my opinion though someone else will probably have a better idea than a newbie like me :)
My ammonia was 1ppm today and nitrites are rising.... Woooo do this mean am on my way...

I have topped the ammonia back to 4ppm before I've come back into work

PH 7.4

How am I faring?

You should not be topping up the ammonia until it hits 0ppm so you know how long your filter is taking to process the amount you added.

Results are looking good so far.

I have been looking up fish and have came up with these on my 'hit list'

Panda CoryDoras/Julii CoryDoras

Purple Cichild

Male Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf Flag Cichlid

Blackfin Pearl Killifish

YoYo Loach

Neon Tetra

Angel Fish

So I want a Community, I am not saying I'm getting all of these, but if anyone can advise or give me some possiblities of combinations, that'll be great

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