New Fluval Roma 200


Apr 5, 2020
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Well finally my Boyu 60 gallon as gone to stepson, so annoying the depth, so i went and purchased the Fluval roma 200 i did want a Juwel 180 but the cabinets are in high demand.

Got it back and straight away hubby reinforced the bottom with hard wheels, as it's heavy without the water but i can reach at last.


Then once all standing and everything connected all water went over except for 35 litres, i came with a Fluval U4 their media containers was removed and my own added besides my Fluval with cages and the fish transported over.

My hubby then pulled it forward and attached wood around the base just a fraction from the ground because if the wheels could never take the strain it goes straight to the wood and door handles added also and it's been running nearly 2wks and at the moment ammonia 0.25, nitrite 0 and nitrate 10.

IMG_20200821_154836_6 (1).jpg IMG_20200825_124525_2 (2).jpg

Final finish with everything running.

It must be a serious weight .I just filled my new 29 gallon at the weekend and even its is . Have 2 Cory's in it from my old tank ,going to get another 10 or so in a few weeks . :)
It must be a serious weight .I just filled my new 29 gallon at the weekend and even its is . Have 2 Cory's in it from my old tank ,going to get another 10 or so in a few weeks . :)
Yes it's the tank itself, my other was lighter and that was a 60 gallon and this ones 53 gallons so not lost much. Corys are adorable i have 2 emerald, 4 pepper, 3 albino and 1 bronze and they do carry character.
Mines pepper . Do all them shoal together ok ?
Yes they're fine, i went and brought another bronze thinking he would love another the same, he wore him down chasing it constantly and it died, he intentionally started with the other as soon as it went in, so he's made it his territory but loves swimming with my albino's and peppers.

Here's a video of them all at feeding time with a tetra mini tab split in half :rofl:

Cool .. Your guppies are amazing too ! Just wondering if I should get a mix of cories or keep all the same ...
Cool .. Your guppies are amazing too ! Just wondering if I should get a mix of cories or keep all the same ...
I would mix them as they give a lovely show in different colours pandas are nice but can never drop on any by we but make sure you get 3 at the same time as they like a group, go for albino's first as they really nice corys.
Well finally my Boyu 60 gallon as gone to stepson, so annoying the depth, so i went and purchased the Fluval roma 200 i did want a Juwel 180 but the cabinets are in high demand.

Got it back and straight away hubby reinforced the bottom with hard wheels, as it's heavy without the water but i can reach at last.

View attachment 114052

Then once all standing and everything connected all water went over except for 35 litres, i came with a Fluval U4 their media containers was removed and my own added besides my Fluval with cages and the fish transported over.

My hubby then pulled it forward and attached wood around the base just a fraction from the ground because if the wheels could never take the strain it goes straight to the wood and door handles added also and it's been running nearly 2wks and at the moment ammonia 0.25, nitrite 0 and nitrate 10.

View attachment 114053 View attachment 114054

Final finish with everything running.

Looking good @Tez_20
Cories should really be all the same species but it is OK to keep a group of different species as long as there are a few of each species in a mix.
Thanks, it wants to for the money i've spent :rofl: the boyu was only 8mths old and i just gave it away. mind you i brought silk plants for in this one as i find them a lot nicer after seeing it in my bettas tank.
I was wondering about the plants.
It still looks good and fish are happy which is the main thing.
I was wondering about the plants.
It still looks good and fish are happy which is the main thing.
Yes silk from now on, it was my hubby who like the coloured ones i went off them ages ago. I've noticed like you say the fish seem to like tanks lower in depth and longer.

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