New Fish

Hey guys i have added in 2 clown loaches, i am planing on getting my neons school to 10 and also my glow school to 10. I am also thinking of getting another school of fish.. what do you guys think would look good with what i got? :fun:
So that would make what? 16 neons, 15 glow, 2 clown loaches, and a bristlenose? I would say that's really pushing it. i would not get 10 neons & glow. maybe 5 of each or something...
As you've been told, clown loaches grow way to big for your tank, and need a minimum of 90 gallons. BUT, they grow VERY VERY slowly, so you will be able to keep them for awhile. The downside is, since you bought the loaches, you can't fit any more fish. You could've added another school of tetras, but not now. Your mistake.
Sunny.C said:
What type do you think?
Yo-Yo Loach (Botia Lochata)
Or Angelicus Loach (Botia Angelicus/Kubotai)

They're great choices.
SunFire said:
Sky042 said:
Clown loaches wouldn't be reccomended for a tank that small.
so, I had 2 clown loaches in my 29gallon.
and if your fish live to see their adult size you're looking at 12inches + per loach.

can you imagine one of these boys in a 29 gallon?


pseud said:
Personally, I'd get a pair of dwarf cichlids. Either Blue Rams or Apistos. (apistogramma agassizi for example)[img][/quote]
I will be moving them to a 110 gallon tank once they start to put on size, in the mean time can i add another school or will that be to much???
Sunny.C said:
I will be moving them to a 110 gallon tank once they start to put on size, in the mean time can i add another school or will that be to much???
I'll assume you're refering to the clown loaches?

As far as adding more since the thread has gotten a bit muddy about exactly whats in your tank please list the current inhabitants if it's not the same as your signature.
At the moment it's the same as my signature...
I will be changing it to
10x neons
10x glow
Should i leave it at that? or can i add another pair of fish or maybe a school? :shifty:
Sunny - Not only will they get too big for your tank, but they should be kept in a group of 4 or more.

Sky - You have some fat loaches! :p

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