New fish!


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Well, the order of halfmoon male and female I had made a long, long time ago finally came in.. I found out about it by chance, as they hadn't remembered to call me.

But anyway, I managed to bring them both safely home. The female isn't green and white butterfly, she is a green and red of some sort... but still rather cute. She carries the halfmoon gene, but doesn't look to be halfmoon herself. I don't have a picture of her yet.

Below is the new boy, he didn't flare up for me, so I'll get shots of him flaring later. He isn't "perfect", but his finnage is beautiful, imho! (And yes, I've seen him flare, and he flares up more than Mason, but doesnt look to be OHM.. if he isn't halfmoon, he is as close as it gets without being such. :)

And his fins are in pretty good circular form as well, although not utterly perfect. Good enough for me, though!

And my female apparently does look to be in the same close to half moon condition, she musta been holding out. I just caught her flaring at the boy across the way. (Shes in a trap until I get a chance to get her seperated into a shielded divided section later tonight.)



He looks loverly!! i bet ur really glad that he finally arrived, and ur patience has earnt u a charming lil chap!

And even his gf thinks hes loverly if shes having a gud look at him!


:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

wot id give to have a fancy tailed betta and the space to home him .. lol
Here is the girl and the boy.. Boy is faded in the background :)




*purrs* I love them bunches already. :)

That poor girl so wants the boy... the fish store kept them practically together, so she was so barred by the time I got her home...

Maybe she'll be able to get reproduction out of her system.. I put her in a section where no one can really see her.. the boy KNOWS shes there, he can see her outline, but is now paying attention to his reflection more instead of her...
Nice fishies. I just wanted to let you know, there is no HM gene. HM comes from a combination of genes, and then it's all about the environment. Top water quality and proper foods determine the final outcome. If you take the 4 best fish from a spawn, and only do daily water changes on 1, and feed him top quality foods, compared to pellets for the other 3 and water changes every 4-5 days....most of the time you will end up with 1 HM betta. I'm just saying this because it is maybe the biggest misconception in bettas. If the parents are both HM, which is rare for the female to make HM, the offspring are not HM geno. Anyways..I really like your new fish. The male has nice color, which is what he will pass on the most.
Alright, fisher, fair enough. *L* Since, as far as I know, no one is really sure why the HMs come about anyway, the male does look to be halfmoon (as in the tail is 180 degrees.. the "circle" he makes isn't show perfect, though)

The female is borderline, but I am not certain they are from the same spawning -- in fact, I'm about 99% positive they are not, considerng the fmeale has no white or cellophane whatosever, while the male is bursting at the seams with it, in addition to the fact they are drastically different shades of green, plus the little red in the girl where the boy has none...

Too bad I won't be breeding though, Mason and the little girl would make a nice pair-off, I think.
Hi becca. Hope you don't think I am just trying to disagree with you. There are several people who know exactly what makes a HM. The trio, or "Fathers of the HM", knew exactly what was needed to develop the HM betta. It takes a genecticist<<(probably spelled to know the technical terms. Me..I use laymans terms. Use the best finnage female to the best colored male. If they both have color and finnage, you are even closer to the source. Getting ray branching is the first step, as well as increasing the webbing between the rays. Using good finnage females is the most important step in achieving HM's. The reason for adding plakats into the mix, is to increase branching. Adding DT's is to widen the peduncle, as well as adding a heavier dorsal. Widening the peduncle is the biggest reasons for using the DT. My main point before was just that after all this, the enviroment is what does the final determination. Anyways..I do like the color of the male. I'm just guessing on this part, but it looks like a copper/orange cross. The female could still be from the same spawn. Some spawns, especially F1...can have several different colored fish. I've had F2's that had it as well.

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