New Fish?


Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
New York
I currently own a 10g freshwater with:

1 marble cory
1 gold gourami
1 catfish- can't ID, but non aggressive 1.5 inches long- will upload pic for ID later

I am moving out my G.Pleco to a bigger tnak.

I am having trouble deciding between adding the following:

1 or 2 Dwarf Puffers
3 hatchfish
5 neon tetras
1 red tail shark

Whatchya all think? :fun:
I wouldnt go for the puffers seeing as they can be quite aggressive and dont like being held in a community tank.

You've got 1 gold gourami, I dont know how he behaves, seeing as they can sometimes be aggressive as well, specially if not kept in groups. Also, keep in mind this fish can and probably will grow up to 15 cm (6") in size, so they really should be kept in a bigger tank I think. Seeing as they can be aggressive against smaller fish I'd not recommend the tetras either.

Im not sure about the hatchetfish

Personally I'd go for the red tail shark, mind you though, they can grow up to quite a size as well, so with the fish you've got in it now, be prepared to buy a bigger tank in a bit. They'd go well with the slightly more aggressive fish as well, seeing as they're perfectly able to defend themselfs. Make sure you've got enough hiding spots for this fellow though
I'd advise against a red tailed shark.....they can be complete nightmares.....aggressive to the death in extreme cases. I'd add a couple more cories, as I believe that these fish thrive in groups. Hope this helps!! :)
I would not say rtb are nightmares, but they do get a little more agressive with age. If you want to be safe cories are the way to go.

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