New Fish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2008
Reaction score
my new fish :hyper: hes quite big and he loves digging in the sand


I am not sure if I am right, but that is one HUGE cory!

Pritty big yes, different species grow to different sizes though :) you should really keep these guys/girls in groups of around 6 and of the same species if possible.
i hav 3 bronze corys and 3 peppered. the peppered cory is only in the pic to see the size differents.
I just read your stocking in your sig, are you planning on keeping the common and gibby plec in the 88l for long? because thats going to be a real problem in a short period of time :) I had a gibby in my 80l, grew from 2" - 6" within 3 months.
i am looking for a new home for my common and gibby very soon coz i will be getting another king tiger. i knew he wanst a bronze cory coz i hav three of them and he is more blue then them. he is very active it fun to see him sitting with all my other cory coz hes so big
At the end of the day its your tank, so stocking is down to you :) though my opinion would be once you remove the 2 monsters, id leave the stock as it is as that'd still be quite highly stocked.

Good luck either way.
i was going to stop when i got my second king tiger. i am also looking to get a second tank so some could be move to there wheni get one
just managed to measure him he is 2 and a half inchs long

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