New Fish Suggestions?


Fish Crazy
Nov 20, 2006
Reaction score
Manchester UK
hey i have a 15g tank withsome guppies and tetra's in it and am loking for a larger 'center piece' (for want of a better word) solitrary fish i just want it to cull some of the guppy fry but leave the tetra's and guppies alone any ideas people?
Thanks in advance
I had a similar conundrum a while back. I settled for a pair of Kribs Kribs really very pleased with them, and not really aggressive at all.

If not a Krib, have a look at some of the other dwarf cichilds.

HTH :)
I had a similar conundrum a while back. I settled for a pair of Kribs Kribs really very pleased with them, and not really aggressive at all.

If not a Krib, have a look at some of the other dwarf cichilds.

HTH :)

hehe while looking on the net about kribs i found
"Guppies are a delicacy"
think ill skip them lol :D i like my adult ones!!!
hehe any other ideas people :) thanks for the replies so far btw
dwarf gourmies all the way !!!! ther soo colourful and intresting to watch and ther extramily friendly
I agree, I'm slightly hesitant though, may they nip the guppies tail fins? I also would've suggested corys, but I've never really regarded them as a centrepiece.
Watch out for dwarf gouramis, they can be difficult to keep. All the ones I've ever had dies for no apparent reason, and there was nothing wrong with my tank.
Turns out theres a virus that 22% of dwarf gouramis you can buy have, called DGIV :( . And according to pfk, it's spreading to other species :( .
Although dwarf gouramis are supposed to be very hardy fish, and for the short time i had them the were great :good: .
I had 2 female betta in with my guppies and neons. I did still get some fry, but not many.
Some here say they can be mean, but mine weren't. If you do get them I would say watch them first to see what their attitude is.
hmm i think maybe some female betta's may look good, cory's like sib said arnt really much of acenter piece maybe clowns ill have a look at clowns now and thanks for all the input so far! keep it comin he he :)
what about some small clown loaches? or are they incompatible? Or cory's?
You cant just buy small clown loaches, you can buy young ones, but they grow fast. I wouldn't buy anything that you cant keep.
I made that mistake in my tank, i was told my synodontis wouldn't get much bigger and would be fine in my tank, same with my sailfin plec (got them at the same time). Now i've grown really attached to them, but i cant get a bigger tank until i move rooms. As sad as it it, i will probably have to bring them into my lfs, because there is beginning to be problems in the tank and i think i may be stunting his growth. My worry is that i bring them into the lfs, and they are sold to someone with a smaller tank, but that shouldent happen :/ .
ok so it looks like corys rams or gourami's? would a ful size gourami be ok? jus the dwarfs look good but i hate them havin tht infection tht saw off my last one, really depressin.... :X
so wht do people think of rams?
thnx again for all the input

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