new fish pls help

Cories like to be in groups of at least 4. I suggest you add 2 more. Angels are a possibility BTW. So are pearl gouramies. Silver sharks need a 125 gallon tank so they are out of the question - they get to 12" and are schooling fish. About those 'small fish' you haven't identified, I suggest you try to figure out what they are as this might effect your stocking. I personaly think they could be harlquin rasboras or checkered barbs. Either way, you nee to ensure that, if like harlequins and barbs, they are schooling fish, that they are in a group of at least 5-6. You must also determine whther they are fin-nippers. As for the pairs of cichlids. If they breed, they will become aggressive but I think the 2 you have selected could be kept together in your tank. (angels are also cichlids BTW...)
my two small fish are cheqered barbs asked at shop but they havent had any more for ages ive looked in 5 of fish shops hopefully find some more soon they are lovely fish also how many angels or dwarf chilids could i add to my tank as i didnt want to overstock it
how many angels could i fit in my tank as i have seen on some web sites that they grow to about 5 inches but i have seen xl angels in fish shop and they are massive are there diifrent type and sizes?

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