New Fish, New Tank


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Well I eventually decided against getting a large tank for now, as I will need to sell my tanks and fish in a couple of years, and a big tank would be hard to shift quickly, aswell as the fish, so I decided to go for something smaller, which will also be less time consuming. So, I got a 65 US gallon, 36x18x24h" tank and stand. Im running it with a fluval 4+ and I plan to get an eheim soon. I also use a powerhead, but not all the time because its noisy. I set it up about 3 weeks ago, and during the move from the 38g to the 65g the two eels, two halfbeaks and the oto went into my 18g. Unfortunatly, I lost three of them (1 male halfbeak, the oto and the zebra spiny eel) due to them getting stuck behind the filter which I then resolved before anything else could happen. Then I added the half banded eel and the female halfbeak to the 65g and added 3 pim pictus, which are doing really well. Yesterday I went to BAS in bolton and got some new fish. I have now added 6 bleeding heart tetras to the 65g and theyre doing well so far. Theres still work to be done to the tank, like adding more plants, a background and another filter. Here are some pics:




And heres a video:

I also got some more unusual fish which are in the 18g with the 4 south american bumblebee cats. Firstly, I got 4 Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus which will probably remain in the 18g, unless they outgrow it. They are arround 2.5" at the moment:




The other fish I got was a male Crenicichla compressiceps who should reach arround 4 or 5 inches long. Hes a real nice fish, and will be going into the 65g when hes big enough (only about 2" long now):





And just a quick pic of one of the bumblebee cats:


Full tank shot of the 18g:


As you can see, the tanks arent at their best yet and I need to clean the glass next time, but you get the idea.

Cheers, Mike
Your Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus is definitely a strange fish to me !

Are they aggressive? what to they eat?
Yeah theyre one of the rarer species of halfbeaks, they come from thailand. Im feeding them guppy flakes and other tropical flakes to get them started, but they should be taking bloodworms and other frozen foods soon enough, but the flake will be the staple. Havent seen too much aggression yet but there has been some flaring from them. Im not entirly sure on the sexes, but I think they might all be female...
That's a great setup you have there, you seem to have a load of fish I love, but I haven't got.
So jealous.
How come you can find a Compressiceps but I cant!
I know, they were one of the fish I really wanted, along with a couple of other dwarf pikes, and when I saw a tank with about 15 in I was amazed...It wasnt cheap though, allthough for pikes its not bad, £11 each or 2 for £20.

Great pics mate.
How are the Microglanis iheringi doing?
Cheers :good: Yeah theyre doing well, theyve all established territories, but there are a few jaw-locks every now and then. Im hoping theyll breed, but now the pikes down with them it wont be until he goes into the bigger tank I think. There could be some in there now, or could have been because there are loads of small places all over that piece of wood I have in there but I doubt it.

Thanks everyone

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