New Fish Brought Disease Into Tank

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Mostly New Member
Jun 11, 2014
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Okay so my tank has been fatality free for months! All has been beautiful in my 20 gallong tank. I bought 3 new fish 2 days ago. Yesterday I noticed a growth on my guppies fun like 2 bubble type cysts. And then one of the new fish I bought was dead this morning. I started treatment with melafix this morning but is there anything else I can do? It's a planted tank. Roughly 78 degrees. 0 readings of ammonia. 15 fish. All has been well until I bought the new fish
It would be helpful to post a photo of the fish and tank so we can get a overall view of what the problem is/was.
Also a list of what you have in the tank equipment wise and what the fish are.
As for the water stats, We normally use the basics.
If you can get us those readings it would also help.
Does the guppy still have these bubble like cysts? are they clear or do they seem light brown - green possibly spotted
First parasite - Argulus check to see if the bubble, if not clear,  moving.     This would require a lice parasite medication
A clear bubble could be either a fluid filled injury - but you would usually only get 1 - antibacterial medication
Gas bubble - rare but can happen, usually seen on the anus of the fish. - no treatment - should clear itself
There is a worm like parasite that creates a bubble on the fish, I will have to google as I cannot remember off the top of my head the name of it. - again would need a parasite treatment.**
Pic if possible maybe helpful
** found it
Dermocystidium the clear bubble possibility.
Picture of a cardinal with it on this thread...
Edit: found information
I've tried posting a pic but it's saying it's too large. It is on his dorsal fin. It's the same color as his markings but it's raised. It didn't look like anything moving. The cysts were noticed yesterday, and they are still there this morning.
It doesn't resemble the pic you posted. It looks like it's almost like a mole that is his scale coloring.
nitrite nitrate reading is 0.pH is 7.0, I have a bubbler and a filter that work properly. 3 platies 3 neon tetras 5 Black Neon Tetras. 2 african dwarf frogs, 1 albino catfish. The Molly was new and died. & I have one guppy that has the's honestly not the tank because the tank has been perfect for 6 month no problems. I got a new molly and then the next day my guppy has a growth on it and then the Molly died. I honestly think it has nothing to do with the water. It's something brought in from the Molly. I would love to post a picture but its saying its too large
So you can rule out lice, Dermocystidium and gas bubble. Are both lumps on fins? you say one is on the dorsal fin, is it on the ray itself or the membrane between?
**If it is on the membrane I would suspect its a fungal infection, if it is on the ray most likely bacterial infection. Do small daily water changes (approx 10%) for a few days to see if the lumps reduce.
** This is not always the case BTW
If the lumps get larger and have a yellowish/white appearance and look lumpy like cauliflower, then you may have lymphosistis - which is viral and is no cure, most fish do survive this unless the lumps end up in the mouth, gill or on internal organs.
Sorry I'm not being much help.
it is in the middle of the fin it is not attached to the body of the fish at all. It does ressembe a cauliflower type texture but is not white in appearance it is red like the color of its fin. Now there's 3 raised bumps on both sides. It does look like it got a little bit bigger today since I seen it this morning
is the melafix helping you think?
should I give him a salt bath? Should I quarantine him?
Can I email you the pic?
Melafix will be helping keep further infection at bay.
Yes mail me the pic and I will happily have a look to see if I can identify it (although not always possible, I will do my best). My email addy is in my profile, just click on my name :). I will get back to you as soon as I can (going to bed now :) )
Ok got my diseases mixed up 
 the worm in the bubble is Dermosporidia
Your little fella looks like his does have Dermocystidium 
Treatment advice taken from net...
There is no known treatment. Direct applications of malachite green and potassium permanganate have proven ineffective against the spores. Although Dermocystidium is not usually fatal, it does threaten fish with the possibility of contracting a secondary infection. Antibiotic treatments and regular cleaning of the wounds will help prevent secondary infections as well as aid in recovery. It is also important, as will all illnesses, to keep water conditions at optimal levels so as to reduce any stress the fish may be experiencing.
I'm glad it's not fatal. Thank you so much for your help I'm going to continue the melafix and do water changes
That is about all you can do, keep the water nice and clean and the melafix would help stop any secondary infections. Another thing you can do to help would be to soak their food in water with a drop of garlic juice - garlic helps build up the immune system.
Best of luck - let me know how you get on.

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