New Filter


Fish Fanatic
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
aberdeen, scotland
ok, its about time for a new filter me thinks. getting fed up with the crappy internal one that came with the tank. it clogs too easily and i've been banned from modifying it :crazy: so i've decided on one of the tetratec EX series as i've heard nothing but praise about them

my question is: i only have a 60l tank, so should i go for the EX600 at 600 lph which is designed for a 60l to a 100l tank, or should i spend the extra 5 or 10 quid and get the EX700 at 700lph which is stated to be used for 100l to 200l tanks?

i know it is better to over-filter which is why i'm drawn towards the EX700, but at the same time i dont want to turn their tank into a whirl-pool!!

cheers for the advice in advance
Normal advice on this forum is to go for a filter that can turn over 5x your tank's water capacity in an hour. So which ever one does that. Haven't got experinece of either filter so see what others say.

cheers for that. both of those filters do it about 10 times per hour.! going for some sparkling clean fish water by the looks of it!
Both are a bit of an overkill IMO but would allow you to overstock. My only worry would be whether the input or output might be too much for the smaller sized fish you would have to stock. I have little experience of how reduce flow rates on filters though so you may do better asking in the Tropical Chat or DIY forums.
10x is fine. IME Most fish appreciate far more movement than 5x.

Also remember that the flow rates of the filter will be with it empty and at zero head. With most manufactureres you are lucky if you actually experience anything beyond 50% of the claimed turnover on the box.
the filter comes with a spraybar which you could aim at the glass so there is no chance of a whirlpool

i would go for the EX700 as if you upgrade tank in the future - you will not have to upgrade filter aswell
You can also turn down the input and output flow on the Tetratecs; very handy when feeding your fish. The Tetratecs are God with knobs on - wish I'd got one long before I eventually did.

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