New Filter Question


New Member
Feb 19, 2004
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Hello All,

I have a 10 gallon tank that has been set up since Christmas. Currently it is over-stocked because of the frye. I currently have the Aqua-Tech 5-15 Filter and would love to switch to the larger, 10-20 filter. My question is, do I need to do anything special prior to setting this filter up into my tank. Will it harm my fish if I set up a new filter?

The reason for I want a new filter is because I think the current one is not putting in enough oxygen for everyone. I have checked my water and everything looks really good there. Just that my 3 adult fish seem to be breathing more rapidly. Thanks for any input.
If the filter is doing its job and all you want is aeration you can always just add an airstone. As it is if your current filter can't even handle your bio-load I would consider thinning out the populartion rather then adding more filtration, it would be healthier for the fish this way.

However, if you want to make the switch: I'm not familliar with these filters but if you can use the old media in the new filter, that would be the safest way to do it.
Thanks for the information. After much searching on this site (which I LOVE!), I have decided to leave my filter alone. I am in the process of finding homes for my little fish friends so that the adults can thrive in the tank. Oh how wish for a bigger tank! LOL! And this isn't even mine really, it is my 5 year olds and 3 year olds. :D

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