Fish Gatherer
Only 24 hours nowless than that its an 11am collection, so more like 17.5 hours
Awwww come on stop it now, your getting me all excited and I am not even getting a nice new fish! All I will say is that we want pictures tomorrow night lol.
the bump aka KOK appears on most male cichlids with some getting much more development than others. on other cichlids its reffered to as the nuchal hump rather than KOK. so it is quite a natural thing for male fish (cichlids)to develop the humpy head even angelfish develop it with age. with flowerhorns im still very much a beginner but from what ive read and researched the KOK is mainly down to the fishes hereditary background, some will develop huge ones and some quite small ones it all depends on what fish has been bred to create the individual flowerhorn. there are food products that claim to develop the KOK too but i would say its mainly down to genetics, although i have ordered some oceanfree xo humpyhead food from thailandI like weird looking animals.Why do people like the 'bumps'?
To me they just look a bit unnatural, just sayin'.
i remember the first time i saw them years ago and didnt see the attraction but with a huge KOK or not you cant deny that they are a stunning breed of fish, man made or not the colouration is pretty hard to beat in a freshwater fish.