New Females


Fish Fanatic
Apr 20, 2009
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I have just bought 3 female bettas. They are sooo pretty. I have named them sunrise, fuego and paprika. Paprika is tiny still and sunrise is abit bigger. Fuego is the biggest but she seems to be staying at the top of the tank and not really moving around much whereas the other 2 are swimming about all over the tank. Could there be something wrong with her? If so what could i do to help her?
Anyway, here are the pics. Sorry about picture quality! They wouldnt keep still lol!

This is Sunrise.

This is Fuego.

This is Paprika.

Here are some pics of fuego at the top of the tank, please let me know what you think.


she is probably just settling into her new surroundings...giv eher some time to adjust and if there is not behavior change then its time to scrath your head and ask if there is something wrong with her.
good luck!
Hi Aimsley 87,

Those bettas look very nice. I agree with Loraxchick that they are probably just settling in to their new home. If it continues for more than a day or so, post again and we can investigate further.

Out of interest is the tank cycled? Do you know what the ammonia and nitrite readings are?

She seems much better today. she is swimming around with the others.

I have had the tank set up for a while so it is cycled but i am unsure of the ammonia and nitrate levels at the present time.

Here are some more pics of my babies. They are sooo cute!



just to be sure, fugos fins seem to be niped quiet a bit, but the tail seems long, keep a close eye on {her} inc ase shes a he with knawed off fins, happens sometimes.
Looks like someone is bullying Fuego. Her fins are pretty badly nipped.
I would keep a close eye and see who is doing it.
Either remove her, or remove the bully to a seperate tank.
Fuego was like that when i got her(they had a male in with the females at the pet shop!) so that is why i got her, because her fins had been nipped.

I will keep a close eye on her tho, just in case it gets any worse!
Fuego was like that when i got her(they had a male in with the females at the pet shop!) so that is why i got her, because her fins had been nipped.

I will keep a close eye on her tho, just in case it gets any worse!

UGH! Stupid shops!

Hope she makes a full recovery! They're all very cute :wub:

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