New Female Dwarf Gourami


May 16, 2010
Reaction score
Barking Essex
Introducing Gluttony G (haven't been able to come up with a more respectable name yet) My new addition to my aquarium. Had to rehome one of my male Gouramis as he ripped al my other fish quite literally to shreds and was really reluctant to get another due to the stress the remaining male and other fish were in. It's been the best thing i've done. The remaining male (Paisley) has really come out of himself and is now really confident and happy. They get on so well I am so glad I didn't let one bad experience ruin my opinion of what are an absolutely wonderful and beautiful species of fish.


Hmmm not so sure about that now lol a couple of the Glowlights have a tiny bit of whitespot. My bag floated off too Caz and all the LFS'S water went into my tank
I once got dwarf gouramis from pets at home. They looked great to start with but did not last long at all. They even spawned within a few days of getting them. I managed to collect the fry once hatched into breeder nets but only managed to raise 2 males to maturity (one never coloured up). These second generation fish were however a lot hardier than the original ones I bought. I've read about them being kept in medicated waters and then when they live in non-medicated water they can't cope and die. Shame
I once got dwarf gouramis from pets at home. They looked great to start with but did not last long at all. They even spawned within a few days of getting them. I managed to collect the fry once hatched into breeder nets but only managed to raise 2 males to maturity (one never coloured up). These second generation fish were however a lot hardier than the original ones I bought. I've read about them being kept in medicated waters and then when they live in non-medicated water they can't cope and die. Shame

Touch wood they are both doing fantastic !! In fairness to P@H the whitespot came in on a White bodied Guppy i put in. Really hard to see it on such a pale bodied fish, I had to use a magnifier to check. All the fish I have got from my local P@H are really healthy and the Gouramis are thriving.
Liverbird, what camera do you have? It's really good. I need one actually good enough to take photos of my tank/fish.
Liverbird, what camera do you have? It's really good. I need one actually good enough to take photos of my tank/fish.

Hi Caz, the camera is a Cannon Powershot. Bought it last year in a sale reduced from £100 to £49. Would highly recommend Cannon. It has a Macro function too for close up's. Hope all your fish are doing ok. I haven't lost any more today. Was worried about one of the other Guppies as seemed a bit stressed after meds were put in tank but have lowered the water level so it's getting more oxygen into the water and he seems a bit happier now. xx

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