Fish Fanatic
as a beginner,
Do I try a dirt capped sand with root feeding plants?
Or just inhert sand substrate for group of corys and betta? I'm thinking of lots if anubias and java fern. Basically I want to spend a year or so learning how to balance lighting, ferts and co2 to get a nice lush tank without causing myself problems by trying to much to soon. Does anybody have a just sand setup?
Tanks is 70l
Mid lighting
Co2 injection
Fluval 205
Do I try a dirt capped sand with root feeding plants?
Or just inhert sand substrate for group of corys and betta? I'm thinking of lots if anubias and java fern. Basically I want to spend a year or so learning how to balance lighting, ferts and co2 to get a nice lush tank without causing myself problems by trying to much to soon. Does anybody have a just sand setup?
Tanks is 70l
Mid lighting
Co2 injection
Fluval 205