Congratulations, Jollysue. And many happy returns to the new kid on the block, as well.

When I was young, and to this day, I tend to refer to all my family members by title/honorific, so my aunts and uncles were always, "aunt(ie)" and "uncle", and "grandma" and "grandpa". I actually tried to call my grandmother 'grandmother' once, and she thought I was insulting

She felt I was implying that we weren't close.... we weren't.

But I imagine, whatever the kid decides on will fly with you. In the end, they do tend to make up their own minds.
Wow, it just goes to show the age range on this forum (i'm not calling you old or anything) but your having grandchildren and i'm 13. That's pretty cool, I think it's a great community and I find it a very friendly environment. So i'm geussing most people are at a mature age, therefore there isn't any shouting or abusing people, I like it and congratulations Sue. I hope you enjoy your many times together with Zachary!
Actually, a recent poll on the forum suggested that most of the people on here, these days, were 'kids', as in 19<13, which is a change in pace for fishforums in general. For at least a year before that, 21<29 was the average.