New Edit: Bettas Are Good: Now With A Pixie! Haha Get It?

Sometimes the kids name you themselves like after your dog, cat or fish as the case may be despite your efforts otherwise. This little boy I'm close to called his maternal Grandpa after their dog Georgia, his paternal grandma after her dog Nicki, and his other maternal grandma by her last name. Some of them got upset about it but they call yah what they call yah and hopefully it's gonna be as cute as those names!! Congrats. New life!!
Beautiful photo of mom and baby.
I remember my father's mother getting upset when I called her Grandma. She felt it was disrespectful, and I should call her Grandmother.

We have temporarily settled on nana. It may be a problem because they expect to have a nanny. I suppose since I will never be around, there could be confusion. Perhaps I should just go back to my mother's Grandma: Grandma Sue. I like it. :D
Wow, it just goes to show the age range on this forum (i'm not calling you old or anything) but your having grandchildren and i'm 13. That's pretty cool, I think it's a great community and I find it a very friendly environment. So i'm geussing most people are at a mature age, therefore there isn't any shouting or abusing people, I like it and congratulations Sue. I hope you enjoy your many times together with Zachary!
Yup Grandma Sue sounds good. Something like that that's quick and easy to!! You never know if they're going to have those cute little mispronounciations funny. you have alot to look forward to. Are you planning how you're going to be a spoiler? I hope you're framing that photo of mom and baby. It's a real keeper.

NEAL--You could call her old but then she might stomp on your foot too. :D Yup. WE all share the same interest here. Lots of different ages, countries and walks of life too....I've learned alot here!! Welcome aboard!
I think it's called elderly now. I was once told by a mod that I was the eldest on TFF. A dubious distinction. :lol:

Neal, I have more than one tank pic posted on the forum. Which was the one you liked?

I think the mods have a lot to do with the character of TFF. They don't tolerate very bad behavior for long without intervening. Also the guys who run the forum set high standards and rules. So people who want to act badly or can't recieve correction don't stay long.

Welcome to Betta section of TFF. :D

I think it's called elderly now. I was once told by a mod that I was the eldest on TFF. A dubious distinction. :lol:

Neal, I have more than one tank pic posted on the forum. Which was the one you liked?

I think the mods have a lot to do with the character of TFF. They don't tolerate very bad behavior for long without intervening. Also the guys who run the forum set high standards and rules. So people who want to act badly or can't recieve correction don't stay long.

Welcome to Betta section of TFF. :D

Ok, happyannie, back to basic family traditions.
Congratulations, Jollysue. And many happy returns to the new kid on the block, as well. :D When I was young, and to this day, I tend to refer to all my family members by title/honorific, so my aunts and uncles were always, "aunt(ie)" and "uncle", and "grandma" and "grandpa". I actually tried to call my grandmother 'grandmother' once, and she thought I was insulting her. :lol: She felt I was implying that we weren't close.... we weren't. :huh: But I imagine, whatever the kid decides on will fly with you. In the end, they do tend to make up their own minds. :rolleyes:

Wow, it just goes to show the age range on this forum (i'm not calling you old or anything) but your having grandchildren and i'm 13. That's pretty cool, I think it's a great community and I find it a very friendly environment. So i'm geussing most people are at a mature age, therefore there isn't any shouting or abusing people, I like it and congratulations Sue. I hope you enjoy your many times together with Zachary!

Actually, a recent poll on the forum suggested that most of the people on here, these days, were 'kids', as in 19<13, which is a change in pace for fishforums in general. For at least a year before that, 21<29 was the average.
Sue, if it makes you feel any better, I'm not far behind you in age. I might be the 2nd oldest then..... :hyper: also a dubious distinction. :blink: Too old to be on the TV show "Cheaters" and too young for Medicare. Kind of a grey area there.

I think it's great the 13+ yr olds are on the forum. If they have advice on fish for me, I'll take it too.

Here's to groovey Grandmas!
I'm with you, annie!

The age range you said, soritan, is my impression. Although the college age seems well represented, too.

Edit: My PC desktop picture has changed. Guess, annie
Oh, I dunno...a view of the Social Security office so you can know where to go when it's time to que up there? If you want one of mine, I can send you a good one or two. If it's my photo in my profile page, I want you to know it took me alot to get those pants pulled up over my supp-hose and to light my cigar in the wind. So use it wisely my friend.

Groovey Grannys spike their hair up to hide the fact it's thinning B)
Hmmm! Looks like the Ma on Lil' Abner. A corn cob pipe needed. Too funny!
Yeah, it took alot to get up off the couch to pose for that one. It dawned on me you put mom & baby on your desktop. Geez, um maybe I'm not so sharp at the wee hours of the morning. :*)
However, you have my perm. to put my personal photo on there when or if the other becomes tiresome.
Yah never know, just might, but the grandpapa in Boston is a award winning portrait photographer, so I'm hoping not to run out of pictures. :)
Sounds like you're going to have to get many more moniters to put a bunch more photos up. Rooms full of computers and phish--sounds like paradise.

Groovy grandmas are high-tech cuz they can't snowboard anymore. B)
Your life will never be the same, I have two granddaughters age 1 and almost 3, it's the greatest thing ever! Congratulations. :wub:

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