New Dwarf Male Gourimi not swimming right

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Wait a month before adding any new fish.

If you have a quarantine tank you can put new fish in that for a month and if they are healthy and have no issues at the end of the month, then put them in the main tank.
Wait a month before adding any new fish.

If you have a quarantine tank you can put new fish in that for a month and if they are healthy and have no issues at the end of the month, then put them in the main tank.
Ok...will wait 3 more weeks then..
Don't have room for a quarantine tank...
Thanks for the help...
I was thinking of a ram. Bolivian ram maybe
If I happen to get a bolivian ram, should I just get 1 or 2? I have 5 danios and corys and will get maybe a couple more of each. I also was looking online at the cherry barbs, since they have been suggested to me as well. Maybe 4 females and a male for the barbs...I do like the male red color. Hope I can find some if I go that route. Still no honey gourami at Petco. Been checking past 2 weeks.
cherry barbs and all barbs should have even numbers of males eg: 2, 4 ,6. If you get a group of 6-10 fish (males & females) they would be happy.

If you can get a pr of Bolivian rams that is fine but if you can't then probably just get one. Maybe ask the shop if you can buy a pr and if they fight see if they will let you swap one.
cherry barbs and all barbs should have even numbers of males eg: 2, 4 ,6. If you get a group of 6-10 fish (males & females) they would be happy.

If you can get a pr of Bolivian rams that is fine but if you can't then probably just get one. Maybe ask the shop if you can buy a pr and if they fight see if they will let you swap one.
So, 2 males and 4 females would be ok if I go that route or how about 6 males? The males are prettier in pics I've seen.
I was wondering if I got 2 Bolivian rams if they would fight... I read on another site that someone had read they should be in pairs, but wasn't sure.
Thanks again for the help
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2 male and 4 female cherry barbs or 4 prs.

2 male Bolivian rams will fight so it is best to get 2 fish that have already paired off, then they should be ok.
Ok..thanks. I just edited my last post before I saw your latest reply. How about all male barbs? They are a prettier red color from pics I've seen. What do ya mean by 4 prs?
4prs = 4 males & 4 females.

male fish show off better colours when females are around. if there are no females the males don't display as much.
Aaah...thanks for the info. Might be better to have 4 females and 2 males, don't wanna overstock my 20 gallon high tank or whatever, unless you think 8 is ok. I was just thinking about maybe just 1 danio and another cory to make 6 of each and maybe 6 cherry barbs..would 8 be too many of each?
No luck finding anything. At Petco, only had 2 cherry barbs, still no honey gourami. Petsmart doesn't have cherry barbs or honey gourami. Several of their tanks had no fish in them. Any other suggestions as to what else I could add?
Decide what you want to keep and if not available wait until they are. There isn't really much point in adding fish just for the sake of it.
I'm not adding just for the sake of it. Just wanted other suggestions if anyone else had any. Thanks for the info. I did end up going to Petco earlier and got another danio and cory.. will keep checking to see if they get anything else in.
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Thought I'd share a quick vid I just took of my aquarium...

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