New Dog


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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My family just got a new dog from the local animal shelter. Our last dog was killed by a car a few weeks ago.

He is a 1 year old Smooth Fox Terrier. It's a nice medium sized dog and is starting to get playful. Once he gets used to us and the house I expect him to be a lot more playful. Hopefully he likes my fish. Although they are in my bedroom so if he doesn't it isn't a problem since he doesn't have to come in here.

I will try and post a pic later.
Good for you for getting a dog from the shelter!! zmore people should look there. I want to rescue a racing greyhound.
Hi jiffy :)

Fox Terriers are very smart little dogs who are good at learning to do tricks. My aunt and uncle had one for many years. :nod:

I'm so sorry to hear about your old dog though. :byebye: If you would like you could make a memorial post for him in the Rainbow Bridge thread here:

I'm looking forward to seeing a picture of your new little dog. :D
ggic - yes the shelters are great places to find pets that need good homes. People need to realize that a lot of this pets are perfectly healthy too. I beleive the dog we got was in there because the previous owners landlord would not let them keep him.

Inchworm - thanks for info on fox terriers. I should have fun trying to teach him tricks. ;) Also, thanks for the heads up on the rainbow bridge post. I will be posting there soon.

Im going to put this in the post too, but since Im here now here is a little background on my old dog, hobie. We got him when he was young because his pld owners kept him locked up all day and the husband would beat him (a small yorkie terrier). my mom worked with the wife and thats how we got it. So now things start lookin up for the dog in a much better home. we had him a couple years and then he gets killed by a car.

That sucks enough, but how about this. my little sister is 8 and saw it happen. She loved that dog. She came home from school and opened the door and he ran out. Her and my parents were tryin to get him and calling him when he ran in the street and got hit. My sister cheered up sooner than I expected and I think she dealt with it rather well, btu she cried for many days.

But good news is that she is very happy that we have a new dog.
Hi jiffy

What a sad and tragic story. :byebye: I feel so bad that your little sister saw it happen. At least Hobie spent most of his days with you in a loving home. :nod:

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