I have been a member of this forum for a year and this is will be the longest post I have ever written. Some of you will know I started planning a larger tank about 8-9months ago. I had two 20G (UK) tanks but was having to go back to one to make way for my other things in my new house. My wife finally gave in and decided to allow (yes, allow) me to move up to having a 57G Juwel Vision 260 as long as it met a few conditions.
Condition 1 – It matched the rest of the colourings in the living room
Condition 2 – The living room was painted and received a new carpet first
Condition 3 – It doesn’t leak!!
3 leaks in 3 years have made my tanks pretty unpopular!! Well all of the conditions were met.
Tank – £399 with £50 of accessories free - Aquariums Delivered
Caribsea Eco-Complete Live Planted Substrate 9kg - £47 – Warehouse Aquatics
Roman Gravel Jet Black - £46 – Seapets
Tetratec Ex1200 External Filter – £70 – Charterhouse Aquatics
Various Bogwood pieces - £30 – Ebay bogwood man
Plants - £11.30 – Java Plants
(5x Cryptocoryne Lucens, 5 x Crypt Blassii, 5 x Red Amazon, 3 x Crypt Balansae, 5 x Amazon Sword)
Total - £603.30
I sold my too tanks for the total of £200 to help towards the total cost of the tank and have bought things over the months and placed in storage until ready to use them.
Setting up.
I build up the stand. Then my neighbour helped me place the tank. I ¼ filled it then emptied again to remove the left over silicone from removing the Jewel filter and any dust that was in there. Then I placed half of the water from my 20gal into the 57 and then filled it half full with clean water. I then refilled my 20 and left it a day then removed half again and filled the rest of the way in the 57. I thought this would help with cycling. I then connected the filter and heater and got them running. I had moved half my filter media from the 20 and placed it in the 1200. It took a day to get the temp right. I then left it for a week before checking stats and moving some tetras across. 4 days later stats were going good so moved the rest of my fish in.
White spot broke out – think 5 new plecs I had bought had brought it with them. Managed to get it sorted fast. Never lost a fish.
2 discus (will eventually be 5)
5 angels (will eventually be 2/3)
2 L183 Starlight plecs
4 L002 Tiger plecs (looking to sell if anybody interested)
10 Gold shoulder corys – Wild
2 Bronze Cory
2 Albino Cory
2 Black khuli loaches
1 banded Striped loach
1 spotted talking cat (never see him)
10 apistogramma borelli (fry – moving to my nephews tank later)
5 killifish
3 Zebra danios (moving to nephews tank)
2 Rummy nose Tetras (moving to nephews tank)
I have a lot of fish this know and have realised this. I have some more discus ordered and am making arrangements to free space in my tank. Any opinions that are helpful would be welcome. I was told by a friend who is a very experienced fish keeper that I should be able to have 6 discus in my tank that are fully grown. My fish are only young and will change my tank as I go.
Spot the discus
Gold shoulders
Mystery plec
Discus 1
Discus 2
Full tank shot - backing to be added
So guys, what do you think of the tank?
I have one questions.
1. How often will the tetratec need cleaned out?
I have been a member of this forum for a year and this is will be the longest post I have ever written. Some of you will know I started planning a larger tank about 8-9months ago. I had two 20G (UK) tanks but was having to go back to one to make way for my other things in my new house. My wife finally gave in and decided to allow (yes, allow) me to move up to having a 57G Juwel Vision 260 as long as it met a few conditions.
Condition 1 – It matched the rest of the colourings in the living room
Condition 2 – The living room was painted and received a new carpet first
Condition 3 – It doesn’t leak!!
3 leaks in 3 years have made my tanks pretty unpopular!! Well all of the conditions were met.
Tank – £399 with £50 of accessories free - Aquariums Delivered
Caribsea Eco-Complete Live Planted Substrate 9kg - £47 – Warehouse Aquatics
Roman Gravel Jet Black - £46 – Seapets
Tetratec Ex1200 External Filter – £70 – Charterhouse Aquatics
Various Bogwood pieces - £30 – Ebay bogwood man
Plants - £11.30 – Java Plants
(5x Cryptocoryne Lucens, 5 x Crypt Blassii, 5 x Red Amazon, 3 x Crypt Balansae, 5 x Amazon Sword)
Total - £603.30
I sold my too tanks for the total of £200 to help towards the total cost of the tank and have bought things over the months and placed in storage until ready to use them.
Setting up.
I build up the stand. Then my neighbour helped me place the tank. I ¼ filled it then emptied again to remove the left over silicone from removing the Jewel filter and any dust that was in there. Then I placed half of the water from my 20gal into the 57 and then filled it half full with clean water. I then refilled my 20 and left it a day then removed half again and filled the rest of the way in the 57. I thought this would help with cycling. I then connected the filter and heater and got them running. I had moved half my filter media from the 20 and placed it in the 1200. It took a day to get the temp right. I then left it for a week before checking stats and moving some tetras across. 4 days later stats were going good so moved the rest of my fish in.
White spot broke out – think 5 new plecs I had bought had brought it with them. Managed to get it sorted fast. Never lost a fish.
2 discus (will eventually be 5)
5 angels (will eventually be 2/3)
2 L183 Starlight plecs
4 L002 Tiger plecs (looking to sell if anybody interested)
10 Gold shoulder corys – Wild
2 Bronze Cory
2 Albino Cory
2 Black khuli loaches
1 banded Striped loach
1 spotted talking cat (never see him)
10 apistogramma borelli (fry – moving to my nephews tank later)
5 killifish
3 Zebra danios (moving to nephews tank)
2 Rummy nose Tetras (moving to nephews tank)
I have a lot of fish this know and have realised this. I have some more discus ordered and am making arrangements to free space in my tank. Any opinions that are helpful would be welcome. I was told by a friend who is a very experienced fish keeper that I should be able to have 6 discus in my tank that are fully grown. My fish are only young and will change my tank as I go.
Spot the discus
Gold shoulders
Mystery plec
Discus 1
Discus 2
Full tank shot - backing to be added
So guys, what do you think of the tank?
I have one questions.
1. How often will the tetratec need cleaned out?