New Cycle Help?


New Member
Aug 23, 2012
Reaction score
Manchester, England
hi everyone
ive just started to fishless cycle (using a small piece of mature media), added ammonia to juwel 180 tank using the ammonia calculator. The reading was very high (8ppm using API kit)so did a water change to get it to 4-5 ppm. Will this high ammonia have affected the start of the cycle? Ph is 7 and heater is at 30c.
Many thanks any help will be great just want to get off on the right foot!
I'm pretty newb here, but from what I've learned from reading these forums you should not have anything to worry about.

I've read that the high ammonia will start to grow a string of bacteria that we don't really need in our filters but since you did a water change quickly there was no time to effect anything.
And your mature media shouldn't be effected either since they eat ammonia. It's like you took them to a Las Vegas buffet. :)

But like I mentioned earlier, I'm newb so I could be totally wrong. Please correct me if I am as I'm here to learn as much as I can.
No, you're quite right, As long as the high ammonia hasn't killed the bacteria, which is unlikely, your cycle should be fine, OP :good:
Sounds like you have read up on the subject - so that's great. Good luck with the cycling. Keep an eye on your pH, and if it drops into the 6.4 range, consider raising it using bicarbonate of soda.

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