New Crowntails

^^ Was thinking the same thing. The circled one looks very much like a PK male, IMO.


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You circle him as though hes a wanted man :lol:

I think she said the boy is floating in the tank in a tub..
She did say she was trying to get a tank sorted
yeah there were 2 bettas in there that i thought looked a bit male. figured i'd leave that to the expert gender IDers here.

I was joking about them being starved :)

youre keeping a male betta with guppies? did i read that correctly? i dont think that is very advisable.... but if you keep an eye on it and dont have any probs then i guess it would be ok.
um yes ive been caught for this before
in that tank i have 2 male pks living together with 6 females
there has never been fighting between any of the fish and have lived peacefully for about 6 months now
i am in the middle of getting a male siamese fighter tank made up for me

yes i have a male with guppie males there are about 10 guppies with him
he has raised them since they were very smal and has never eaten or attacked any of them
or the other way round
um yes ive been caught for this before
in that tank i have 2 male pks living together with 6 females
there has never been fighting between any of the fish and have lived peacefully for about 6 months now
i am in the middle of getting a male siamese fighter tank made up for me

yes i have a male with guppie males there are about 10 guppies with him
he has raised them since they were very smal and has never eaten or attacked any of them
or the other way round
u've been caught for this b4... so u know it's a bad idea......

i'm not sure how to reply to this. i would be absolutely stunned if they had been together for 6 months and there were no probs. you should have tons of shredded fins and sulking fish by now. even if you think things have been great, this will eventually end in disaster. sometimes things can be ok for a while before the "balance" snaps and a few fish get killed.

what do you mean you are getting a male betta tank made up for you? please tell me you are not going to try to house males together without dividers........ :X
by ive been caught by this before i mean people hav asked about it before
these males have been raised together

and gosh sorry no by getting a tank made i mean i am having a tank made up for me with 10 dividers in it to keep males sorry for the confusion
oops only 1 pic downlaoded

full tank shot

you got the same breeding trap as mee :D
i got that one and a different one that you have to hook on the tank.
lmao. just thought i'd let you know.

ha ha sorry not a breeding trap just a smaller tank floating in the main tank
im having to quarentine (spelling???) the fish because of white spot
these males have been raised together
I'm not following. what does them being raised together have to do with anything? any males from the same spawn are separated.

if u say they are peaceful and ur sure of it then i guess no worries? just seems odd
well i have heard of people keeping males from the same spawn together but i suppose it really does depend on the fish

and yes im sure they are peacefull together

um im using some sea saltin the Cts tank will this help with the whits spot
the only other thing i have is melafix
Maracyn 1 & 2 if you are in the states. Mellafix and aquarium salt are not strong meds
i have never heard of Maracyn 1 & 2
i live in nz which is no where bear the states
will sea salt work????
i might be able to get some white spot cure if i can get into town soon
i have never heard of Maracyn 1 & 2
i live in nz which is no where bear the states
will sea salt work????
i might be able to get some white spot cure if i can get into town soon
right... i was posting all over the place and forgot that u were in nz.

UK members could prob help u with meds...... i don't know what they using over there.

aquarium salt and mellafix is a good plan... sea salt... . unless it is referred to differently

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