New Crowntails

Fish Fanatic
Jun 25, 2008
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well i was at a pet shop
went to 3 today
only 1 of them had any siamese fighters
1 blue vt male
1 red vt male
1 blue, red, white ct male
1 blue ct female

well as soon as i saw the ct's i knew i had to have them
i got the male and the female but did not realise the female was a ct

these are my first ct's so i am quite excited

so my collection now consists of
2 male plakats baldrick, ziggles
2 male veiltails shread, tickle
1 male veiltail x crowntail?? i think ?? elmo
1 male crowntail un-named
1 female crowntail baby
6 female veiltails? fitzee, mitzee, fluffy and un-named

will post pictures when i can
Nice. gotta love crowntails :p

cant wait to see some pics :)
male pics

any name idea for the male would be good

ive gone with baby for the female because she is so tiny
the male has white spot with i will be treating


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is she a double ray crowntail if you can see in the photos???


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Both are really good looking fish! good taste in bettas :good:

if that male has some sort of bacterial/fungal infection, you best start treatment immediately. also, the male is very bloated.... so he is either overfed right now or has some internal bacterial infection. should have a fairly flat belly with only slight rounding after feeding. looks like he has been a little pig :lol: female looks a bit stressed, but that is normal for now.

anyways, i love that coloring in males with the light body and colored fins. he's going to look really great when he settles and his colors really come out. :D
yes they both do look bloated i only just got them a couple of hours ago and tring to sort a tank out for the male
super find. not sure if you are Uk or over the water, but I found out cts need softer water, particularly if you have our hard water where i live. It really makes a difference to them :good:
super find. not sure if you are Uk or over the water, but I found out cts need softer water, particularly if you have our hard water where i live. It really makes a difference to them :good:
ummmm... where did you gather this bit of info from? what does tail shape have to do with tolerance to water hardness? i would really doubt that this is accurate info. if you can provide evidence, that would be appreciated cuz i've never heard anything like that.

nope i live in a little place called new zealand
Nice. Good to know those bettas are just recently bought within the last couple of hours. they should have a great home with you. you have a larger pic of that female tank? it looks interesting.
hmm i shall go take one now
note it has my new male floating in a container in it till i get his tank heated
why do fish always think its feed time??? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

trust me they do get fed


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haha. sure.... you must starve them :rolleyes: . They'll eat until they pop :lol:

nice setup. are those all fake plants? it looks really good. no probs with the tetras eh?
oops only 1 pic downlaoded

full tank shot


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they arent starved all the tetras are fat things
yes most of the plants are fake a few live ones
no the fish are all good together
i have 1 male 'tickle' in a tank with 10 male guppies
my bettas are all lovely and hand tame
I cant tell in the pic, but do you have male and female betta together in the same tank, or are my eyes playing tricks on me.

and yes my bettas are hogs....not only will they eat till bloated, but to obese.

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