Moved On
been to my first ever fish auction today! BARGAINS OR WHAT ! what a fun day we had !! I have spent a little under £100 and here is my list of purchases !
6 Cory Axelrodi
3 Aspidoras C125
2 Venezulan Black Corys
4 Panda Cory
I also got...
A bag of 40 guppy fry
1m 2f Snakeskin Guppys
1pr Characadon Laterails
4pr Dalmation Gambusia Holbrocki
3pr half black guppys
5 male red Copper Guppys
2 Albino Bristlenose
1pr Neon Blue guppys
1pr bleeding heart platys
1pr Xiph Clemenciate (Puento Chinio Luiz)
3pr Black bar endlers
2pr Poecilia wingei
i had SUCH fun outbiding EVERYONE for the corys. it got to the point where when they got corys out, the auctioner just looked straight at me LMAO!!
all in all i came away with 92 fish !
6 Cory Axelrodi
3 Aspidoras C125
2 Venezulan Black Corys
4 Panda Cory
I also got...
A bag of 40 guppy fry
1m 2f Snakeskin Guppys
1pr Characadon Laterails
4pr Dalmation Gambusia Holbrocki
3pr half black guppys
5 male red Copper Guppys
2 Albino Bristlenose
1pr Neon Blue guppys
1pr bleeding heart platys
1pr Xiph Clemenciate (Puento Chinio Luiz)
3pr Black bar endlers
2pr Poecilia wingei
i had SUCH fun outbiding EVERYONE for the corys. it got to the point where when they got corys out, the auctioner just looked straight at me LMAO!!
all in all i came away with 92 fish !