New Corys For Me !


Moved On
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Bradford, West Yorkshire
been to my first ever fish auction today! BARGAINS OR WHAT ! what a fun day we had !! I have spent a little under £100 and here is my list of purchases !

6 Cory Axelrodi
3 Aspidoras C125
2 Venezulan Black Corys
4 Panda Cory

I also got...

A bag of 40 guppy fry
1m 2f Snakeskin Guppys
1pr Characadon Laterails
4pr Dalmation Gambusia Holbrocki
3pr half black guppys
5 male red Copper Guppys
2 Albino Bristlenose
1pr Neon Blue guppys
1pr bleeding heart platys
1pr Xiph Clemenciate (Puento Chinio Luiz)
3pr Black bar endlers
2pr Poecilia wingei

i had SUCH fun outbiding EVERYONE for the corys. it got to the point where when they got corys out, the auctioner just looked straight at me LMAO!!


all in all i came away with 92 fish !
Hi Sp00ky :)

It sounds like you had a lot of fun! :yahoo:

ooooooooo it was !! gutted that its the last one of the season though. tbh, i didnt know they had them in seasons, but it was so much fun outbidding everyone for the corys. there were LOADS AND LOADS of bronze and albino aeneus, but i got plenty of them, so i didnt have all the corys for myself :blush:
Hi Sp00ky :)

Was this sponsored by your aquarium society? The one I go to has an auction at the end of every meeting. It's a lot of fun when you see people bidding against each other to get the fish you raised yourself. :D
Hi Sp00ky :)

Was this sponsored by your aquarium society? The one I go to has an auction at the end of every meeting. It's a lot of fun when you see people bidding against each other to get the fish you raised yourself. :D

tbh hun, i didnt even know there was a socitey near me !! LOL. I do know though and will be going to the next meeting on the 2nd wednesday of next month !! its a whole new area to me and its quite exciting if im honest !

There was a show on before the auction, but we just went for the auction which started at 1,30 and finished just after 6pm.
where are these auctions, have heard of them and interested in going but havent found any info on them.
That's a ton of fish to get at once! How do you acclimate almost 100 fish, and how many tanks to you have? I'm going to auction off the cories I'm going to raise at my local club meetings. The profits are split 50/50.
That's a ton of fish to get at once! How do you acclimate almost 100 fish, and how many tanks to you have? I'm going to auction off the cories I'm going to raise at my local club meetings. The profits are split 50/50.

i have 1 12" tank. i didnt acclimatise them, i just slung them all in :S
That's a ton of fish to get at once! How do you acclimate almost 100 fish, and how many tanks to you have? I'm going to auction off the cories I'm going to raise at my local club meetings. The profits are split 50/50.

i have 1 12" tank. i didnt acclimatise them, i just slung them all in :S

92 fish in a 11/2' tank??

Theres avery good auction on this sunday in darwen, lancs am travelling up to that

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