New Corys Arrived...


Li'l Ole Fish Lady
Aug 31, 2003
Reaction score
New York
Well, as some of the members know, I have been been looking for some C. aeneus Peru Green Stripes, also known as Green Lasers, for a long time now. I finally found them and they arrived today. It has been well worth the wait! :thumbs:

They were in transit for 21 hours, from Tulsa, Oklahoma to New York, but they arrived in excellent condition. Here's an early picture of them being acclimated to the temperature and pH of the tank they will be moved into:


This is a proven breeding group, and I am looking forward to raising some of their fry. The little fellow is a Hi Finned C. paleatus that the seller sent along as a gift. :wub:

I bought them from Buergey2, and highly recommend him to anyone looking to buy fish on AquaBid. He was patient and answered my questions, and my order was shipped promptly. The fish themselves were nicely double bagged with lots of air, and Bag Buddy in the water to help them make the trip safely.

As soon as I get them switched to their tank and have them in clear water, I'll post some more pictures. Even with the blue water their green stripes really stand out and I can hardly wait to see them settled in. :D
Wow, they look great Inchworm! I love that green stripe. And the little Hi-Fin C. paleatus..too cute! :wub:

I can't wait to hear more about them, and see more pictures in their new home! :thumbs:
post pics when they are in the tank, i can't see them in there that well, blind as a bat, good luck with the new arrivals.
They are lovely indeed :)
Yesterday I had the pleasure of seeing these fish in real life for the first time! They had a bunch of about 8 in my lfs... they look so nice! But I was too scared of the potential answer to ask for the price :p

Can I ask how much you payed for yours? (Each? ;)) ... I might go back tomorrow and see how much they sell them for.
I saw orange ones in my fish shop for a tenner each they looked well cool.
Here's a picture of them in their new home:


Unfortunatelty, I can't seem to get a picture that shows their beautiful color to their best advantage. Since I've already taken several pictures using the flash, I think I'll try not to scare them any more tonight and wait until tomorrow to try again.
I saw those sold at a pet store near me at $30 a cory! :crazy:
Gorgeous cory indeed, no need to prove it to me. I knew it wouldn't be long till YOU got them inch, lol. Good luck with breeding them! I'm sure most stores would love to purchase them from ya. ;)
I finally got a picture that shows their pretty colors:


Last night I set up a cave and added some java moss to their tank and after a quiet night they seem to have calmed down quite a bit. :D

I've had no luck getting any of the C. aeneus color variations at any of the lfs in my area. I saw ONE orange one once, and they were asking something like $16.99 for it. It had come in by itself in a batch of other corys. The salesperson told me that in the rare event that they ever do get any of these, they go for up to $30 each.

I consider myself extremely luck to have been able to get these with a winning bid of just $79 on AquaBid. I think that was at least partly due to the fact that it closed on a holiday weekend when many people were out having barbecues and such. Of course, overnight shipping was another $35 dollars, but I still got a fantastic bargain here. :thumbs:

Erised, unless they are more readily available in the Netherlands, I suggest you get them while you can, if your budget allows. They will be a great addition to your tank!
those are cool looking cories i wouldnt mind owning some of those... black gravel would look cool with them!
love them to bits they shimmer, beautiful.
Well, I went back today and I first thought they'd sold out completely ... and then I saw 2 of them swimming around together in some of the lower tanks! They're absolutely gorgeous :) We don't really have the money for it, but at 8 euros each I couldn't leave them behind!

So I'm now the proud owner of 2 green striped corydoras ... wheeee! :D
Hopefully they'll get more in next time so I can get them a proper shoal, but for now this will have to do :)

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