Li'l Ole Fish Lady
Thank you all for your kind comments!
They are still all in quarantine since I'd rather take the time to see if anything develops than to rush them into an established tank too quickly. They've just been through a long trip and if they should come down with a late case of bacterial infection, I'd like to be able to see it and treat it quickly. I also want to avoid letting them get in contact with any strains of bacteria that could be perfectly normal for the fish living in them, but new to these fish until they are fully recovered from any stress they have had.
But so far, there is not a sign of anything being wrong.
Here's a few pictures I took today.
C. weitzmani:
One of the female long finned C. paleatus:
Another one:
This one shows a male C. paleatus, some of the weitzmani and a nattereri in the front:
An albino C. paleatus:
And here's a nice one of the C. nattereri:

They are still all in quarantine since I'd rather take the time to see if anything develops than to rush them into an established tank too quickly. They've just been through a long trip and if they should come down with a late case of bacterial infection, I'd like to be able to see it and treat it quickly. I also want to avoid letting them get in contact with any strains of bacteria that could be perfectly normal for the fish living in them, but new to these fish until they are fully recovered from any stress they have had.
But so far, there is not a sign of anything being wrong.
Here's a few pictures I took today.
C. weitzmani:

One of the female long finned C. paleatus:

Another one:

This one shows a male C. paleatus, some of the weitzmani and a nattereri in the front:

An albino C. paleatus:

And here's a nice one of the C. nattereri: