New Corydoras


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
Reaction score
Onatrio, Canada
I am new to fishkeeping. I have a 46 gallon tank and have 4 guppies, 2 mollys, 2 danios and I just purchased 3 Leopard Corys (think they are called Julii)
This is the 4th day now, and I have not seen my corys eat. I have purchased algae wafers, and shrimp pellets. I have thrown them in and the other fish go and find them and start eating them...yet the Corys completely ignore them. The Corys just sit around all day...barely swimming...occasionally moving from spot to spot..and sometimes lodging on one of the plants and just sitting there. This is fairly new tank, and I believe it has been cycled, and all readings are good...ammonia, nitrate, nitrite....

My question is do the corys only eat at night or evening? Any advice would be helpful, as I am concerned and want to make sure my corys are ok?
How can you tell if they are eating if you do not see them eat/
To be honest corys should always be kept in groups. Personally I'd never keep them in a group of less than 5. Groups give them security so they're braver and will happily root around in the substrate looking for food whilst the light is on. Yours might be a bit nervous so may only be searching for food at night. Equally they might not have quite settled into your tank yet, my little sterbais were tank bred in someones fish room so weren't used to seeing people very often. They were quite skittish at first and took quite awhile to feel confident enough to come to the front unless there was food involved. Although having said that, as soon as the food was put in they were straight at the front getting their fair share.

Alternatively you do have to consider that there may be something up with them medically. Have you noticed any signs that they might be ill (other than lethargic behaviour)?
To be honest corys should always be kept in groups. Personally I'd never keep them in a group of less than 5. Groups give them security so they're braver and will happily root around in the substrate looking for food whilst the light is on. Yours might be a bit nervous so may only be searching for food at night. Equally they might not have quite settled into your tank yet, my little sterbais were tank bred in someones fish room so weren't used to seeing people very often. They were quite skittish at first and took quite awhile to feel confident enough to come to the front unless there was food involved. Although having said that, as soon as the food was put in they were straight at the front getting their fair share.

Alternatively you do have to consider that there may be something up with them medically. Have you noticed any signs that they might be ill (other than lethargic behaviour)?
Thanks for the reply
As far as I can see, they look healthy. I would love to add at least 2 or more, however, I want to make sure these guys are healthy and eating
I am considering adding some more hiding spots, as well as putting food in after I shut the lights off...and see if that helps
Any more insight or advise would be greatly appreciated...I have been scouring the internet for any info I can find...
How long has the tank been set up?

What the exact readings for the ammonia/nitrite & nitrate?

How did you cycle the tank? did you do a fish in cycle or fishless cycle,these can take roughly 4-6 weeks for the filter to handle the bio load for the tank.

Corys are usually quite active...

If the other fish are getting to the food before the corys,then try feeding a little pellets etc to the corys after lights are out when its dark,they will hunt around if they're healthy. :)
Hi Cory Crazy

The tank has been up for about 7 weeks or so and I cycled with fish
Nitrite and Nitrate readings are 0, and my ammonia was 0, but when I tested again last night, it was up to about 0.2 ppm
The ammonia levels were 0 before that

I have tried feeding after the lights are out, but notice in the morning that the shrimp pellets are still there..I put 2 in

My poor corys just sit there with a sad look on their face...

I will do another water change tonight and hopefully get the ammonia level down
All the other fish are fine and least they look healthy

I do have a bunch of baby guppies in there as well...and I think I am missing a couple...wonder if one of my corrys grabbed a baby or 2
Corys don't eat fry of any species to be honest. They eat eggs, and will eat any fry on the bottom that aren't yet free swimming but as soon as the fry are free swimming, or if they swim in the mid to upper levels then they wont have eaten them.

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