I bought 4 albino corys for my 30 gallon betta tank a few days ago. One of them has been hanging by himself in the corner of the tank not moving while the other 3 coast up and down (and all around) the tank. I noticed his right fin and the one underneath are torn and I can see a little red under the belly.
edit: Just saw him move and his belly is quite bloated What could that be? I haven't seen him eat much since I bought him Friday. I know they can get like this if they eat too much.
I hate to have to say this, but your little cory doesn't have too much of a chance. You did the right thing treating him, and now all you can do is wait or take him back to the lfs.
Since the others in the same batch have most likely been through the same conditions that caused him to become ill, do keep a close eye on them. Lots of fresh and clean water and good nourishing food is the best thing you can do for them to build them up and keep them healthy.
It's entirely possible that the sick cory was just a weaker fish to begin with and just couldn't tolerate the shipping process.
You were right Inchworm he passed away this afternoon
I'm going to call the fish shop I bought him from tomorrow and see if they will exchange him for a new one as it had only been 5 days since I bought the 4.
I am not sure exactly what the problem was...there were so many things that showed up all at once I do believe he was sick to begin with or just a weaker cory as the other 3 are fine as can be.
I will definately watch the other fish in the tank and keep my fingers crossed that none of them get sick