New Cory


Li'l Ole Fish Lady
Aug 31, 2003
Reaction score
New York


I just picked them up today. The lfs was selling them as large C. julii (what else?) :lol: They are mature fish, a little shaky from being shipped, and nervous as can be, but otherwise seem to be healthy. I did ask if anyone knew where they were imported from, but no one there at the time knew. However, that lfs usually gets most of their corys from Brazil. I don't know if it will help, but in the same tank were two smaller corys that had similar markings but more rounded noses.

Coryologist, please help me identify them.
i had a very similar (apears to be same sp) in a mixed cory lot sold a julii. never got an answer to who that one was. im interested :)
Hi loraxchick :)

I don't mind one bit. I can't help you though. I think my eyes cross when I try to compare fish to each other. :blink: Coryologist is the best one at this. :nod:
Thanks so much...last attempt had my other mystery juli (im fairly certain) positively ID...but not this gal. :unsure:
Thank you, Frank. :thanks: That narrows it down. I'll try to get a better look at them tomorrow. Right now I'm letting them rest.

BTW, did you ever hear of a cory refered to as a "hatchet bodied cory"? This picture isn't very good, but perhaps you can recognize it. I have no idea where it might have originated since I got them at a different lfs. Thanks for looking. :D

Thank you, Frank. :thanks: That narrows it down. I'll try to get a better look at them tomorrow. Right now I'm letting them rest.

BTW, did you ever hear of a cory refered to as a "hatchet bodied cory"? This picture isn't very good, but perhaps you can recognize it. I have no idea where it might have originated since I got them at a different lfs. Thanks for looking. :D

Hi. Looks like a regular old C. reynoldsi that could stand a bit of conditioning. ;) - Frank
Thanks again, Frank. I never saw them before. It's a relief to know that they are just small fish and not some larger species that isn't growing for me. Here's a (not too good) picture of them today.



BTW, did you see loraxchick's question in the third post down?
no lateral stripe and not as spotted. so could u have a peak at this one too Coryologist? or Inchy, or anyone else.
Sorry, I can't help you with this one. - F.

Thanks again, Frank. I never saw them before. It's a relief to know that they are just small fish and not some larger species that isn't growing for me. Here's a (not too good) picture of them today.
Hi. They grow to a fairly nice size. Just not a long in the body fish. - Frank

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