New Cory Babies :)


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
My Cory eggs have just have just hatched last night! I have them in a plastic breeding trap in my tank at the moment. I have a spare 15 litre tank but no heater or filter for it. I wasn't actually expecting them to hatch!
Will they be ok staying in the breeding trap for now? I look to have around 30 of them atm. I am off the the fish shop today to buy some liquifry for them but can I feed them this with them in the larger tank just in a breeder trap? Also when do I start feeding them? I am a complete novice with fish babies and so many sites say different things!

Any advice you can give me would be great!

They are such cute little guys I want to help them survive as best as possible :)
liquifry is a good
starter food for baby fry
but keep an eye on your
stats as it can turn your
water fowl very quickly
you could also have a look
in the frozen food section
at you lfs and see if there
is any frozen bosmiden which
is also an excellent fry food
Your wee fry should be ok in the trap for a while,but ideally they would do better in their own little tank.
Just remember to keep the trap clean and free from build up on the bottom.
The fry will be ok for around 48 hours has they will feed off their egg sac,adding food just yet will pollute their water has they won't eat it yet.

Have a read up Here,has fab info :good:

If you could set up your little tank with a heater and sponge filter,they will do good in there :)

Congrats on your fry, My albino's hatched yesterday,i'm just uploading vids
Awwww thats awesome!!! I can't see videos on my comp but would love to see them!
I know I am going to lose some but I want to try my best for them so will go out and buy a filter and heater at lunch time! My problem is I have one fish shop I can go to easily here and the others you need to drive to! Sucks really! Also not any decent ones for buying good fish as they are either limited or expensive! Must be this part of the country haha!
How would I transfer them from the breeding trap to the other tank without taking them out of the water as it will go straight out the bottom of the trap? My Cories laid more eggs again yesterday which I need to move today! I only moved them to this new tank 5 days ago and within 2 days they laid eggs!!!
Do you have any tips for helping they to live? I was reading through your post from August about all your fry! Sounds like you have your hands full! :)
I find a turkey baster a god send for collecting and transferring new fry :good: they're cheap around 99p and worth it :)

You might be better buying online for your heater & filter.
These box filter are very good for fry tanks,they are run off an airpump,i removed the gravel and charcoal that came with it,and put some mature media in it to kickstart the cycle. or the other tupe suitable for cory fry tank is the sponge filter these also driven by an air pump.
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I have just popped down to my lfs and he gave me a deal on a heater and filter as a couple weeks i donated my terrapins to him :) I was worried buying onine about how long they would take to arrive as the ebay ones say 4-6 days generally! I wanted to move them over sooner so I know they are getting proper airflow etc!
I am going to set up the tank with water from my tank as I know the conditions are perfect! I will probably move them over tomorrow evening when I can find a turkey baster from somewhere!
Am I looking at the same temp in the new tank as the other?
I also bought some liquifry as i I wanted to produce my own brine shrimp I would need another air pump and tank etc. I will just have to be careful with how much I put in!
My Cories have decided last night that they wanted even more eggs! haha
I have read you can transfer the eggs by gentry rubbing your finger over them and they will stick. Is this ok to do so I can transfer the new eggs over to the other tank? Also will they be ok in there will the newly hatched or do I need separate tanks for different aged fry?
Should I fill the tank competely as it is taller than it is wider my other tank, or for the smaller fry is less water better?
Sorry for all the questions but you have been a great help!

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