New Cories!

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
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Trying this for the third time ... I can't get the topic to post!!

8 of these little guys that were labeled as Julii, and two of the bigger ones that were unidentified but I think I just discovered are agassizii. Anyone know for sure??


first pic is C. trilineatus
I am unsure of the second pic, it definately isnt C. julii or C. trilineatus
I did think C. agassizii but Im not sure, more pics would help, once its less stressed
Agreed, the 1st it Trilii (often mis-sold as Julii for more money)
2nd does look to be Agassizii :good:
hoodwinked again. At least the store owner didn't charge me more for the trillis! Or for the agassizii, which are three times the size of the trillis. I was trying to get a better photo of those guys last night, but they're a bit camera shy. I'll keep trying. And also, the three in my sig ... the only thing I know about them is punctatus, and in doing research there are many strains of that, so can anyone narrow it down for me?
Free fish, are always good, I've not managed that yet, managed to get huge discounts but not free fish :)

Trilineatus is one of my favs, I have a shoal of 11 or 12 (cant remember, I have too many fish lol) :)
Here she is this morning:


Free fish, are always good, I've not managed that yet, managed to get huge discounts but not free fish :)

I didn't get them free, I just didn't get charged more for the rare and elusive Julii, just what he charges for all his cories!
ah right! I picked up some C.julii (being sold as julii for trilineatus prices, woot!)

Yeah that is definitely Agassizii, nice corys.

those fish are all very red around the gills, keep an eye on that, it shouldnt be like that.
They were in bags for several hours on the trip home. No way to avoid it, and the trillis are already looking much better. Everyone is very active and feeding well, so I'm not worried just yet. Going to do a w/c and vac in a bit here to deal with the extra bio load.

I am so hooked on cories!!
they are very addictive, and one of my fish families :)

I have these corys:

12 Corydoras Trillineatus
13 Corydoras melanotaenia (Wild) (might have some C. eques in this group, need to full id them all)
7 Corydoras venezuelanus (Wild)
5 Corydoras julii (Wild)

others like corys:
6 Brochis splendens

C. julii and C. trilineatus look ready to start spawning so I will be moving them to their own tanks soon.
Nice additions :good:

Once you get the cory bug,theres no going back :lol:

Hows their gills looking today?
Their dorsal fins look a bit frayed,may have got nipped by other fish,good clean w/c's will soon heal these :good:

I'm waiting for my local aquatic centre to have room to take my 20 bronze juvi's,they've just had a massive delivery of fish,wrong timing on my part,anyhows they had some c.melini(false bandit cory) so cute :drool: which i was hoping to get and using the store credit towards them,they were quite expensive,£32 for 3 !!
Their gills are much better today, thanks. One or two that I'll be keeping a close eye on. I always love the looks of the LFS owner's faces when I say I want all of them! I just wish he'd had more of the agassizii. They're SO COOL. Of course, I love them all!

I have never seen any like your gold lasers! They're so beautiful. If only we were on the same side of the pond!

Yes, this is a "bad time of year" for fishkeeping, for some reason. I suppose lots of people would rather concentrate on their vacations, but since we don't vacation it's not a problem for us! Besides, I've learned that all my fish do just fine on their own for several days at a time.

Good luck on rehoming your bronzes!
the orange lazers and green lazers are very nice.

But have you ever seen blue lazers? I saw them once, and even Coryman hadnt seen them before. very nice fish :)
^^ ha mine was the same when i said i'll take all the cories you have left! ended up with 6 pandas, 5 sterbai, 5 trilii and a bronze :look:
Its funny when you do that, they get very shocked by it, even funnier is when you ask for specific fish from a tank which is rammed with fish.

I always like it when they check what fish you have, and after I real off their names and then explain how many tanks they just stare blankly at me and say "erm... ok I dont know what they are so I guess its ok" :fun:
:lol: i get that too, i'm also one for picking certain fish in a tank full :rolleyes: they guy at my LFS now has a good idea of what i like without asking and will often point fish out to me that i have missed, tells me whats coming in and when :good:

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