New Coral Or Different Colour Morph

Crazy fishes

Fish Addict
Jan 21, 2008
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I was reading today following some entries to Big C's journal about a coral that I previously knew little about (including it's existence). This coral is the War coral; apparently an LPS and belongs to the Favia group. What I can't work out is if it is a seperate species or just a colour morph of the maze coral. Anyone have any ideas??

The coral in BigC's link looks like Blastomussa and is a different genus to the brain/ Favia corals. Blatomussa are easy to keep and do much better than the brain corals.
Each of the Blastomussa polyps are separate and can retract into its own coral skeleton. Blatsos have a tube like coral skeleton whereas the brains have a solid skeleton.
They are actually Favites pentagona as I just goggled Tyrees site and boy he/they have some whopping corals on there (at a price though)
Seemingly, and I could be wrong in saying that people are buying up rare Tyree corals and fragging them. Good profits to be made from this type of venture.
That is what I found they were called but does that mean they are a different species :blink: ?? The literature sounds like it is a colour morph but the name suggests otherwise. 'CF stratches his head'

They are a unique species having one of the smallest polyps of the Favites genus. There are color morphs of "war coral" usually depending on the waters they're collected from but most are just different patterns of the same color. I have a small one too that I just bought :D

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