New Computer

Likily I don't use photoshop, don't like it very much...

Well considering im using a 1gb ram laptop to currently do my graphics work, i dont need masses of it..

Would you go for 1x8gb or 2x4gb?
Ok cheers mate think im about there now, been a good few weeks of research, thanks for your help, i'll post some pics when I get it :good: :D
Yes! Absolutely massive, comps can send you mad when they don't react as fast as they used to... Ive nearly thrown this laptop across the room.

You know anything about graphics cards?
Basically i've just never had a dedicated, i've read some reviews on the 7750 in the spec, and it seems it will do the job for what I want, another option is the 550i, or an even lower end being the 6670... I just had a lot of learning to do with graphics cards considering I didn't know much about them so just wanna make sure I get it right
Ok first of all what games are you planning to play and what's the resolution of the monitor you're going to use? The 7750 is ok, the 550ti is slightly faster but less efficient. The 6670 would be quite slow. How would you feel about buying a used gpu?
No point in me buying used as im guessing it would void my warranty installing one...

Im not bothered about playing on rodiculously high graphics but just want games to run smooth. Lol I wasn't buying to play games when I first thought of getting a new pc but its come more and more into it, I guess I would play bf3, hopefully farcry3 when it comes out, but like i said I dont mind running these on medium if its runs ok, my girlfriend likes playing sims 3 too so thats in the mix, other than that im unsure I play ps3 mostly but I can see myself using the pc a bit more if I can.

I just bought myself a cheap used monitor on ebay, res is 1440 x 900 and i've just realised its also dvi which is a bit of luck, didnt realise til it arrived
Ah yeah I didn't think about the warranty :/ BF3 and far cry will be quite demanding, but you should be able to run them on ok settings with either the 550 or the 7750 at your resolution. The sims will be fine :p
I know, warranties are annoying like that but undertandable, its literally the reason i didnt just go with dell or something, rubbish graphics and no option to install my own..

Yeah ok cheers, think i'll stick with the 7750 for efficiency, cheers for the help again :good: im excited just wanna get the bloody thing now!
I want to increase backup of my laptop. It has an original battery but with 19' LCD and it gives me almost two hours. I want to increase it up to 3-4 hours. Is there any type of battery which I can use what to do if I have to stay outside for a long time. The idea of a duplicate battery is not good enough.

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