New Community Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
London UK
I am fairly new to tripical fish keeping, (or fish keeping in general really).
I set up my tank about 5 months ago, (32 Gallons according to the volume calculator), and every thing was going fine.
I recently got an external filter an removed the old filter befor the new one starte working properly,(all the bacteria forming), and cosequently my fish started to die. :(
I moved the reaming fish to a friends tank, and they all seem to be doing fine. :rolleyes:
I thought this was a good oppotunity to start a new community Tank.
I was looking at the community creator on and found a setup i like the sound of.

4 x Discus
5 x Silver Dollar
1 x Angelfish
4 x Three Spot Gourami
3 x Clown Loach
1 x Clown Plec

It says the reccomended hardness should be soft to medium. I dont know what that means, or how to get it.
Also i dont know what the PH shoud be.
I dont even know if i am capaible of having a tank with these fish in as i am new to the hobby.

Any advice would be great.

i am new to fish keeping and cant really help you but by the way silver dollars are great i just purchased a pair today and they do allsorts and play around lol but they have already started to eat my plants
Hi ther. Will try and answer your questions.
Discus are fish that need top class water quality, I've not tried keeping them but all reports from others say they need lots and lots of water changes to keep their water crystal clear.

The pH of your water depends on where you live ie: I live near the chalky north downs so our water is hard around pH 7-8. Discus and angels require softer water around pH 6.0. Depending on where you live it may be necessary to soften the water with a peat medium in your filter

pH testing kits are readily available from your lfs along with ammonia/nitrite/nitrate kits etc.

Silver dollars and clown loaches eventually get quite large. Fine as baby and juvenile fish, but as adults they need at least a 75g tank. Saying that, they grow fairly slowly so you could keep them for about 6month to a year.

Nice mixture of fish though and a 32g starting tank is a decent size. You obviously know what mistakes were made with the filter change, well done and good luck with your new set up :thumbs:
U said you can keep fish for 6 moth to a year...what do u mean? like is there a way to trade in fish or something? sry im new wiht fishes too.
LOL, Glolite probably thought you might upgrade by then ! ;)
But yes, some lfs will take fish back (or even pay you or give credit towards new fish). But make sure you have a plan before it becomes a problem.
Yes indeedy!! :p My lfs give me 50p per juvenile guppy. Handy money for fish food. :nod:
A little more than nothing ;)
no seriously, approx $1 US
glolite said:
Hi ther. Will try and answer your questions.
Discus are fish that need top class water quality, I've not tried keeping them but all reports from others say they need lots and lots of water changes to keep their water crystal clear.

The pH of your water depends on where you live ie: I live near the chalky north downs so our water is hard around pH 7-8. Discus and angels require softer water around pH 6.0. Depending on where you live it may be necessary to soften the water with a peat medium in your filter

pH testing kits are readily available from your lfs along with ammonia/nitrite/nitrate kits etc.

Silver dollars and clown loaches eventually get quite large. Fine as baby and juvenile fish, but as adults they need at least a 75g tank. Saying that, they grow fairly slowly so you could keep them for about 6month to a year.

Nice mixture of fish though and a 32g starting tank is a decent size. You obviously know what mistakes were made with the filter change, well done and good luck with your new set up :thumbs:
so do u think i should give it ago or try something abit easier?
I reckon with a tank of that size you could give it a go but be prepared to trade fish in as they grow. You might end up with just a few big fish and need a bigger tank. But hey! that's what the hobby's all about, it grows on you.
All those fish just cannot possibly add up to fit into 32 Gallons :/
They are all big fish. The discus, Angel and Clown loaches. It's said that Clown loaches should not be kept in less than 75 gallons as you should really have 4 or more. If you want loaches, I suggest you look at others such as Angelicus Kubotai or Stratia. I'm afraid I cannot help you with the other fish really, as I haven't kept them. And seeing that you are a beginner, I'd suggest not to go with Discus (yet). Or until you have a far bigger tank and more experience.
There is little point to try your utmost to look after and care for fish and then give it up after 6 months or when they soon outgrown their tank.
Sorry, don't mean to sound negative.
Also there are problems when keeping big fish in smaller tanks because their waste products will be too much for a smaller filter and big fish need room to grow. If they're kept in a tank which is too small their growth is stunted. As bloozoo said, it's better to keep fish suited to the size of tank than give them all away after 6 months. The usual rule is 1 inch of fish (excluding tail) per gallon of water. So if each clownloach reaches full size of 10 inches you can see how the fish inches tot up.

Any good general tropical fish book will give you a range of fish suited to which pH, size of tank etc. How about a species tank of angels or if you want community, angels and rasboras/dannios. The barbs can be a bit nippy and may nibble angels fins.
thanks for telling me before i bought the fish. i was just going on what the community creator said i could fit in.
any suggestions on a good mix of fish that would fit.
the tank is 48" long, 12" deep and 18" high.
i'm after a colourful mix.
any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advance.

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