New Community Tank

It will take a very long time, but those clown loaches will get to be a foot long.

Yeah :crazy: . I cant believe more people arent picking up on this. Tanks ok stocked now, but when those clows grow :/ . I woud trade the clows before you get attached, or start saving for a bigger tank :) .

Nice tank btw, one of the best i've seen with fake plants and deco
i DO know that clown loach can grow to around 12" in the wild but normaly 8" in captivity is the norm, or so i read. but that aside i've highlighted what i intend to do next year, 6'x2'x2' will replace the 40"x20"x20" tank, :good:
Hey there. You have lovely clown loaches! :drool: Your's just seem to come out when u are in the room and just always wander around the tank. I have 2 in my 55 gallon and when i DID have hiding spots for them they NEVER came out only when the lights shut off in the tank. Like, they didnt eat for 2 weeks besides at night ( algea wafers ). Than I put a nice piece of driftwood in there and eliminated all of the hiding spots just so they would be out for feeding time and you could actually see them. And u still wont c them that offen! They dont go up for flakes AT ALL they have lived off of a cube of bloodworms a day and i have to squirt them ( with a turkey baster ) right where they are so they will actually eat....If I put more hiding spots in do you think they will get more confident? They have been in the tank for at least a month...Thanks

Nick B)

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