New Community Tank


New Member
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Central England
Tank size= 100cmX50cmX50cm (40"X20"X20")
GH= 220
KH= 90
PH= 7 to 7.5
Ammonia= 0
Nitrite= 0
Nitrate= 20 (action being taken to reduce this further)

3 Clown loach
3 Blue rams
3 Seapar tetra
2 leopard danio
2 Bronz corries
2 Bristle nose
1 Micky mouse platy (got left behind when others were moved)
1 X-Ray tetra (don't know were he/she came from)
1 Siamese fly fox
1 Sailfin molly (femal) + 1 fry.

fish pics to follow.
ps, all plants are fake, :nod:


  • tank.jpg
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I like your tank, I like that you have places for the fish to hide, and i like the way your plants match up to your backround, it gives your tank more of a feeling of depth.
I think if you had black gravel that would realy add to it.

Exelant tank :good:
With only 3 serpae tetras, you could get a good deal of nippage.

they do tend to chase "others" quite a bit while being feed....... maybe another 3?....

tnx for all replys 10 pics taken but none good enough to post up yet........ (need to make them stand still for pics...)
right i'm of to the LFS to see what to buy...... maybe Amano, or cherry shrimps?...... don't know yet, we'll see..... :fun:
here are a few more images.
one of my bristlenose.

the cave in the center.

one for the clowns, approx 3 inches.

another of the little darlings.

the blue rams.

center view of the tank.

left view of the tank.

right view of the tank.

another right hand view.

i'll try and get some more fish images just as soon as i can get them to stand still....
I like that tank. :D I would get more danios and tetras so they can school. The danios will fight with only two. I would also get more corys since they like to school too.
I would get a shark and a bull frog :) ...

On a more serious note:

I agree with the person ^^^^ 2 More Tetras, and 3 more corydoras and you'll be fine :nod:
tnx for the replys, :good:
i have now added 3 more seapae tatra, 2 Dwarf Gourami, and 3 Amano shrimp.
after adding the shrimp 2 days ago they vanished, not a sight of the little darlings, no matter were i looked......not a sausage, untill today when i spotted one making it's way around the back of the bogwood, :hyper:
is it just me..... cos when i saw the shrimp it was like "yes, yes there you are you little bute, yee-haa" or do i need to get a life?....... :lol:
It will take a very long time, but those clown loaches will get to be a foot long.

Yeah :crazy: . I cant believe more people arent picking up on this. Tanks ok stocked now, but when those clows grow :/ . I woud trade the clows before you get attached, or start saving for a bigger tank :) .

Nice tank btw, one of the best i've seen with fake plants and deco :good: . And your nitrates are fine at 20ppm, hell 40ppm is usually perfectly ok. But obviously the less they better, so good luck reducing them ;) .

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