New Common Pleco Is Pooping.... A Lot

Courgette, a prawn now and then, many other veggies and some fruits. I'm sure there is a list on here somewhere.

Please do listen to the advice about size though, a common plec will grow very fast. I was sold a gibbiceps (grows even larger but similar growth rate) when I first started and now have a 6ft tank primarily bought to house him. He reached 12" within abou t14 months and had outgrown a 20g in 3 months.
Courgette, a prawn now and then, many other veggies and some fruits. I'm sure there is a list on here somewhere.

Please do listen to the advice about size though, a common plec will grow very fast. I was sold a gibbiceps (grows even larger but similar growth rate) when I first started and now have a 6ft tank primarily bought to house him. He reached 12" within abou t14 months and had outgrown a 20g in 3 months.

I'll try my best to get a bigger tank in time. I still am wondering why the man at the LFS told me it would take five years to outgrow a 20.... I had never kept a Pleco before so I didin't know. :(
don't know any plec's that clean the tank yet , most of them move stuff about , move crap from the sides of the tanks to the bottom of the tank when it poops.
hey just reading the posts no one has really answered your question as has gone on about how big they grow. i would say that all the mess they clean up from the glass or objects is going to be laid on he flour in a brown strand i would advise making sure your filtration is up to scratch before worrying about a bigger tank. but none the less a larger is required.

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