New Common Pleco Is Pooping.... A Lot


Fish Crazy
Jan 19, 2009
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Just wondering, is this normal? I just got my first Pleco, a common pleco, last night. I just got back from school to find huge poops all over the tank! I feed my fish every other day, so I did today, but nothing special for the pleco, as I wanted it to eat some of the algae. But are Plecos normally this messy? Thanks. :)
Yep that's kinda what they do. How big is your tank by the way?

It is a common misconception that plecs with 'keep your tank clean and eat all the algae' - most won't, some will eat a bit.

The best algae remover is a scraper and sponge.
Yep that's kinda what they do. How big is your tank by the way?

It is a common misconception that plecs with 'keep your tank clean and eat all the algae' - most won't, some will eat a bit.

The best algae remover is a scraper and sponge.

The Pleco did actually clean up a bit of the algae already. I have a plastic rock in my tank that had algae on it, and now it's all gone. The whole tank though? Still quite a bit. Oh, and I have a 20gal, I am getting a 55 in the future and it is only at about 3 inches so far.

And thank you for showing me that Inchworm! :) Haha...
:lol: Welcome to the world of plecs.

My tank would look extremely messy without loads of plants and an army of MTS to bury/break down that poop!
Yep that's kinda what they do. How big is your tank by the way?

It is a common misconception that plecs with 'keep your tank clean and eat all the algae' - most won't, some will eat a bit.

The best algae remover is a scraper and sponge.

The Pleco did actually clean up a bit of the algae already. I have a plastic rock in my tank that had algae on it, and now it's all gone. The whole tank though? Still quite a bit. Oh, and I have a 20gal, I am getting a 55 in the future and it is only at about 3 inches so far.

And thank you for showing me that Inchworm! :) Haha...

Unfortunatley even a 55g isnt going to be big enough for him long term, the usual advice given would be get rid while still small... most people wont be able to house a 12+ inch plec when you will need to get rid of him.

Yep that's kinda what they do. How big is your tank by the way?

It is a common misconception that plecs with 'keep your tank clean and eat all the algae' - most won't, some will eat a bit.

The best algae remover is a scraper and sponge.

The Pleco did actually clean up a bit of the algae already. I have a plastic rock in my tank that had algae on it, and now it's all gone. The whole tank though? Still quite a bit. Oh, and I have a 20gal, I am getting a 55 in the future and it is only at about 3 inches so far.

And thank you for showing me that Inchworm! :) Haha...

Unfortunatley even a 55g isnt going to be big enough for him long term, the usual advice given would be get rid while still small... most people wont be able to house a 12+ inch plec when you will need to get rid of him.


Probably the biggest tank I can afford is a 75gal.... I just said 55 because I know where I can put it, I could get a 75 but I have no idea where I could fit it. :blink: The guy at the fish store said it would tank 5 years for it to outgrow a 20 gal... is that true?
Yep that's kinda what they do. How big is your tank by the way?

It is a common misconception that plecs with 'keep your tank clean and eat all the algae' - most won't, some will eat a bit.

The best algae remover is a scraper and sponge.

The Pleco did actually clean up a bit of the algae already. I have a plastic rock in my tank that had algae on it, and now it's all gone. The whole tank though? Still quite a bit. Oh, and I have a 20gal, I am getting a 55 in the future and it is only at about 3 inches so far.

And thank you for showing me that Inchworm! :) Haha...

Unfortunatley even a 55g isnt going to be big enough for him long term, the usual advice given would be get rid while still small... most people wont be able to house a 12+ inch plec when you will need to get rid of him.


Probably the biggest tank I can afford is a 75gal.... I just said 55 because I know where I can put it, I could get a 75 but I have no idea where I could fit it. :blink: The guy at the fish store said it would tank 5 years for it to outgrow a 20 gal... is that true?

If fed correctly and housed appropriatly it could reach 10-12 inches in 12 mnths, so no the lfs has given tou wrong advise lol( not a suprise really ;))

75 g would be fine as long as it is min 4x2 foot, footprint.
When I had my common pleco, I had him for 3 and a half years and he was allready about 12 inches long. I got him when he was still only maybe at max an inch. He was tiny when I got him. So yours allready sounds like at least a year'ish bigger then mine.

side note, I would try to get a pair of pitbull pleco's, they stay small and have done wonders in my 20 gal.
When I had my common pleco, I had him for 3 and a half years and he was allready about 12 inches long. I got him when he was still only maybe at max an inch. He was tiny when I got him. So yours allready sounds like at least a year'ish bigger then mine.

side note, I would try to get a pair of pitbull pleco's, they stay small and have done wonders in my 20 gal.

Yeah, I was looking for a smaller Pleco, preferably a Zebra Pleco, but no stores around here sold those, plus buying them online is really expensive. I DID see something called a Sunshine Pleco at a fish store, looked very nice, but again, too expensive. :(
you could try

a king tiger pleco
a BN pleco :)

bn plecos are amazing
Just please don't expect a plec to eat algae - research their diet properly, many like quite a meaty diet, some need wood and plenty of veggies.

For a 20g a bristlenose (BN) would be perfect, when you upgrade then you could have a pair of BN.

There are plenty of plecs that stay smaller and will not cost the earth, for something more unusual have a look at whiptails.
pitbull plecs are great for small tanks and they eat a lot more of my algae than my bristlenoses do
pitbulls get to just over 2 inches i got 4 in my 120 litre tank and they are always swimming around together i see them a lot more now i have 4 than i did when i had 2
Just please don't expect a plec to eat algae - research their diet properly, many like quite a meaty diet, some need wood and plenty of veggies.

For a 20g a bristlenose (BN) would be perfect, when you upgrade then you could have a pair of BN.

There are plenty of plecs that stay smaller and will not cost the earth, for something more unusual have a look at whiptails.
(Kind of a late reponse.... sorry)

Me Pleco did clear the tank of all algae within a day or two, but I do know that he would starve on a diet of that only.

Yeah, I didn't know Plecos ate meat based foods, I thought they were purely vegetarian fish, I was proved wrong when he started eating my Cory's shrimp pellet. :p But I have been dropping in algae wafers every 3 days for him. Any other recommended foods?

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