New Clean Up Crew


Fish Fanatic
Feb 3, 2008
Reaction score
Just bought in more clean up crew as i think the numbers i had, just wasnt cutting it in the tank.

10 Mexican red leg
10 Blue Leg Hermit
1 x Peppermint Cleaner Shrimp

Is it me, or do these guys provide as much if not more fun to watch than the fish ????

My missus thinks i am loosing the plot, although we have drawn the line at naming them individually...
oh put your hand in the tank and let the shrimp clean you hand, its so cool, watch out for cuts they tug on them.
oh put your hand in the tank and let the shrimp clean you hand, its so cool, watch out for cuts they tug on them.

Fantastic !!!! will get the missus on the wine and turn the lights out !!!
Just bought in more clean up crew as i think the numbers i had, just wasnt cutting it in the tank.

10 Mexican red leg
10 Blue Leg Hermit
1 x Peppermint Cleaner Shrimp

Is it me, or do these guys provide as much if not more fun to watch than the fish ????

How exciting!! I don't have a sw tank yet, but I watch the inverts do their thing in the lfs tanks. They are cool and VERY interesting.
aye name them!! there is still a whole squad of liverpool players left, or try ya liverpool legends, ive named my lads after my heroes (sad or wot) :lol:
my hermit crab is called stupid thing is a freakin carnivore and doesnt eat the hair algae.

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