New Clam And Feather Duster


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2004
Reaction score
got these yesterday :D


i have no full tank shots but i will add some of the inhabitants
They are really nice shots, How does it work when you put these in your tank? I mean when you get fish you adjust them slowly to the water, temp and ph. But what about these?

Do you just plonk them in or do you have to let them adjust as well? Just curious

cheers chish :good:
i dont know if its correct what i do or not i float them to same temp and then straight into the tank but this has always been ok none have ever died from it (fingers crossed)
Very nice things u got over there. Yeah i hope u can get us a full tank shot. What size of tank do u have?
They are really nice shots, How does it work when you put these in your tank? I mean when you get fish you adjust them slowly to the water, temp and ph. But what about these?

Do you just plonk them in or do you have to let them adjust as well? Just curious

cheers chish :good:

drip acclimitise if you can, put them in a bucket with the water from the bag next to the tank, start a siphon running from the tank to bucket and tie a knot in it so it's dead slow, leave it an hr or so then pop them in. :good:

they're more sensitive than fish if anything.

that clam's lovely, what sort is it?

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