We bought a 55gal tank (with fish) about a month ago...We kept the fish in tubs for 5 days before we put them in tank...5 of 7 fish have survived so far...We added a few more fish and the tank is now seriously over-stocked....We expect it thin out as the fish get larger...( several are growing at an astonishing rate)
Biggest issue at the moment is the tank hasn't seem to have cycled....We're doing weekly 30% water changes....Here are the numbers so far (first line is house water before addition to tank)
Date Temp pH Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate Comment 4/7/14 7.2 0 0 20 House - fresh 4/8/14 80 7.8 0.25 2 5 2 days after Water Change 4/6/14 80 8 0.25 3.5 25 30% Water Change 4/4/14 80 7.8 0.25 3.5 0 First Test - Tank Up 11 Days 4/13/14 80 8 0.25 5 80
2 Oscars
2 Convicts
1 Jack Dempsey
1 Arrowana
1 Plec
1 Green Terror
1 Gourami (Unknown vintage)
Well aware (now) that the tank is seriously over-stocked and that may be driving the nitrate levels....Waiting for an ammonia/nitrite spike and not seeing it...need to bring down pH (best way?)
Fish appear to be thriving....
1 Loach