New Cichlid 260 Gal Tank Need Help


New Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Hello All,

I have done a search for the following with no luck. Can you use a pond uv sterilization for freshwater aquarium? The reason I ask this is they are about half the cost of one made for fresh water tanks. Everthing I have read shows that there is relly no difference other then the flow rates being higher with the pond uv units out there.


Randall Williams
Hello All,

I have done a search for the following with no luck. Can you use a pond uv sterilization for freshwater aquarium? The reason I ask this is they are about half the cost of one made for fresh water tanks. Everthing I have read shows that there is relly no difference other then the flow rates being higher with the pond uv units out there.


Randall Williams

i carnt see a problem aslong as you go by the min. flow rate.
what type of cichlids you going for?
Why would you need one?You should hardly get any algae...Seems a bit of a waste to me.

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