New Child


Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
glenside, pa
alright, i couldn't bear to see this boy pass another week on the rickety hanging metal shelf they keep the bettas on in my walmart. I went there and he was still there today and i knew i was going to get him. there was another that looked like a possible mustard gas pattern (hard to say, his color wasn't great). But i resolutely said NO and left (hooray for self discipline, right? psh!)a few hours later i finally gave in and went to walmart again (me and the roomate were bored and made one of those infamous 1 AM walmart runs only college students get to make). sadly the possible MG had died in those few hours, so I probably wouldn't have been able to save him anyway, but the first boy was still there, so I snagged him and a 1g long critter keeper (which he clearly adores). is now patrolling it happily, flaring at nothing. he even ate (shocking!) a pellet and a bloodworm. what a good boy :D

also, i've had my two girls sharing a split tank for a while and i intend to make a sorority tank when i bring my old tanks up from home in a few weeks, so today was the first experiment. During the water change i plunked them in neutral territory with some plants and they didn't fight at all. Betty is so big, and Tiny is so, well, tiny, that they don't seem to be concerned with the hierarchy. Plus they already know each other since they can see one another through their tank divider (it's plexiglass). I guess it just seemed natural to them to be in the same tank. They even swam around together. They are seperated again now, and will stay that way until i have my ten gallon, but this bodes well for the future sorority tank :nod:




yeah, he reminds me of a dog that's been diggin' in the dirt :lol:

He's so awesome though. i've never seen a yellow betta at the store. lots of multi colors, marbles, and the normal lot, but not yellow. So i had to get him -lol- I have officially reached the "impress me" point of fish keeping :rolleyes:

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