New Chichlids


Betta Extermination Team!!!
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
England,Hampshire Hayling Island
Hi i'm getting my tank set up by chrismas for Lake Milawi Chichlids i am getting this sea holy rock with either 2 big piles at either end or with 1 big plie in the middle i hvent decided yet and i will get the New Fluval 205 and a 250w heater i think i am getting a T8 strip light with a reflector i need to ask what shall i put in the 3 chambers of the fluval i know to put carbon i one of them and the ceramic things in another but then im stuck???
I will be getting sand in the tank so i am hoping it will be a good setup for these types of fish.
I have been advised to get like around 15 - 20 fish for my 35 gal UK and also to get all of the fish at a simalar time to each other and to make sure they are a simalar sizes so there is no agression i was wondering are the below listed fish compatible and also wat other fish can go with these types of agressive fish??

Blue Caeruleus
Yellow Lab
Electric Yellow (Labidochromis caeruleus)
Blue Cobalt Cichlid (Metriaclima callainos)
Powder Blue Cichlid (Pseudotropheus socolofi)
Pearl of Likoma (Melanochromis joanjohnsonae)

Sorry about long post!!!
I only run carbon when I am trying to remove medication
Well Electric yellows are Labidochromis Caeruleus'.

Electric Yellow (Labidochromis caeruleus) - One of the most peaceful Malawi Mbuna
Blue Cobalt Cichlid (Metriaclima callainos) - An only Mildly Aggressive Mbuna
Powder Blue Cichlid (Pseudotropheus socolofi) - An only Mildly Aggressive Mbuna
Pearl of Likoma (Melanochromis joanjohnsonae) - An only Mildly Aggressive Mbuna/Highly aggressive conspecific

Most of these are mildly Aggressive so I'd look at what Africans you can get your hands on and then see if they would be compatible.

Good List of Mbuna

Blue Caeruleus are the same as Yellow ones but come from a different part of the lake and therefore if you get them you might get hybrids.

HTH :thumbs: :D
Also keep in mind that Socolofi and Callainos are of similar color, so it could lead to unwanted aggression. I'd suggest choosing just one of them and finding a substitute of a different color instead.

It would be best to go with 3 species and aim for 5 of each group, or 4 of 4 species will be ok too. You'll want to start off with more of each then you intend so that you can be sure you get enough females to develop the appropriate harems, since your tank is too small to have competing males of the same species, except in the case of Caeruelus.
Your tank sounds impressive! I'd give anything to have a tank like like that. But we must
rememer the golden rule- 1 inch of fish per gallon of water-! How big will these fish get when
they are fully grown? Being East African Cichlids, they are going to be VERY territorial.
You'll need time to cycle your tank at first, so use this time to pick out your favorite cichlid.
Buy what is recommended for them to get along and keep some space in your tank.
Injoy these fish at the start, then look up what fish will get along with, on the net. to add to
the space you've left in your tank. Believe me, in the past I've been the biggest criminal when
it comes to breaking the law of 1inch of fish per gallon. Only to end in a very unstable tank.
At times with dire concequences and BIG disappointments and heavy losses, (finacialy and
heartfelt). Always ask your question. Ask it twice. Ask several people. Ask different sources,
and always listen. Then you can make your own decision.

Enjoy your aquarium and even the smallest
additions you add to it.

yes but 1 inch of fish per 1 gallon would mean i only have 7 or 8 fish i can have well more than that in my aquarium looking close to 15 cichlids i also wondered would the pleco Rubbernose Pleco fit in with africans well and how big will it grow
And certainly doesn't apply to Mbuna, there are too many factors that could influence stocking levels, like aggression, compatability and filtration.

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